sons of anarchy charlie hunnam Archive
Sons of Anarchy is about to speed into it’s final season. I’m not prepared, so not prepared. I guess all good things have to come to an end right? RIGHT? No! I’m in denial. One thing I’m not in denial about is how amazing SOA is. Ride
TV Heartbeat is back and heading into turkey day with a bevy of awesome stuff for you. Lady Gaga is teaming up with the Muppets for an awesome special. I do love me some Gaga! Plus, on Arrow it seems the Flash is making an awesome appearance!!
I’m a huge science fiction dork so of course I’m super stoked for Pacific Rim! Of course it stars Sons of Anarchy’s Jax Teller himself Charlie Hunnam and Ron Perlman as well. Which only adds to how much I want to see it. The movie does look
Can I just tell you how excited I am that Pacific Rim is coming out! I love the whole idea of it and I’m stoked to see Charlie Humman in his first star powered leading man role on the big screen! He’s hit the big time and
FX just released a new promo poster for Sons of Anarchy. It’s pretty awesome with the cast making the “O” in SOA. So awesome. I have to tell you FX has made some pretty epic posters for the seasons. God bless the Charlie Hunnam goodness! Check out