taylor swift rare Archive

Pop Culture Countdown! Beyonce Only Wants Hand Carved Ice Cubes! Taylor Swift Has 18 Million Bucks In Cash Laying Around! Nicholas Hoult And Jennifer Lawrence Are Back On! Mariah Rents Disneyland! And More! Karalee Counts Em’ Down!

It’s time for Pop Culture Countdown! Yes, the weekly recap of all things cray cray in pop culture as told by our super saucalicous Ms. Karalee! This week there’s tons happening including Red Toilet Paper only for Beyonce! People like Kristen Stewart? Nicholas Hoult and Jennifer Lawrence

Pop Culture Countdown! Karalee Counts Down The Top Five Happenings This Week! Justin Bieber’s Birthday Blues! Taylor Swift Sends Tina Fey To Hell! Chris Brown Needs His $10 Bucks! And More!

I have to tell you, I’m super excited to welcome the newest addition to the MTF Family! Karalee is in the houuuuuuuseeee! Karalee is going to be bringing us Pop Culture Countdown! The top five weekly pop culture events that changed and blew our minds… Oh yeah…