tilda swinton sexy Archive
Doctor Strange had it’s Los Angeles Premiere yesterday in Los Angeles and while I know a lot of people who headed out, I stayed away. It looks like an awesome time was had and man did Rachel McAdams and Tilda Swinton look great! Check out the photos
Today in Hong Kong, Benedict Cumberbatch and Tilda Swinton, the stars of Marvel Studios’ DOCTOR STRANGE joined director Scott Derrickson and producer Kevin Feige along with hundreds of fans to celebrate the film. Marvel Studios’ DOCTOR STRANGE is in U.S. theaters November 4 in 3D, RealD 3d
It’s Super Short Sunday… er… Monday time! God bless Scotty, there was a snafu in the old email and I didn’t get his article, but thankfully, we got it going on now! Woo to the hoo my friends, woo to the hoo! Scotty headed down to the
Oh hell… I love LOVE this magazine cover! Candy is a limited edition magazine that is printed in the UK and according to their website “is the first fashion magazine completely dedicated to celebrating transvestism, transsexuality, cross dressing, and androgyny in all their glory.” Now, they featured
I generally don’t head out and about on award show nights. But tonight I was like… Well… It might be worth a shot. It’s the SAG Awards, and since it’s one of the lower key award shows… I figured… Well… Hell, let’s go. Scotty was game to
Fashion can be an incredibly polarizing thing, as in acting it divides people down the line. So, When you have a fashion icon such as Tilda Swinton who is an amazing actress polarization is a given. Personally, I am on team Tilda, I think that she is