total recall promo Archive
This was a while ago, oh gosh about three years now. I love Kate Beckinsale, LOVE HER! She’s stunning and super sweet to her fans. Seriously, there was one time she took photos with people all the way down Hollywood Blvd when it wasn’t even her film.
Man, I’ll tell you. I’ve been really excited for Total Recall, I’m sure if you have read anything the past week on the site you’ll be like, “no shit Mike!” lol… So of course when the Total Recall premiere popped up, I was like… I’m there! Colin
Hey Kids! Just got home from a very tiring day at the Total Recall premiere! I’m going to have a full report of the highs and sadly… lows of this premiere tomorrow. but I thought I would put up a couple quick photos to give you a
Okay what is the deal with these posters man! I am super stoked for the new Total Recall movie but what’s the deal with this new poster. First off… Colin Farrell looks great, but why is an entire futuristic city and Kate Beckinsale bursting out of his
Dude, can I tell you how excited I am for the new Total Recall movie! First off, it stars two of my favorites Kate Beckinsale and Colin Farrell and third… It’s just frakkin hot! The new teaser poster has just been released, and even though it’s fairly