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Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here and if you’ve been following this site for long enough, you might recall my true love for Benicio Del Toro and the “burning hair” incident. If not, good news! I’ve got a link right here: Even more good news? I
Then the security guard who was a major asshole grabbed Julia Roberts arm and said, “Miss you need to leave.” yes, the man grabbed Julia Roberts arm. Julia turned to him and said, “I told them I would do it, it’s fine. It’ll just
It’s a Fanboy test! This wonderful Photo Flop comes courtesy of the awesome Elisa In The Big Apple! Let’s just say that her zoom went wild! LOL… She has the full story, but can you guess the Photo Flop before she tells you? Can you? It’s Magic…
On the eve of the release for Django Unchained Leonardo DiCaprio is covering the December 2012 issue of Details magazine. Apparently, Leo is one of the Hollywood Mavericks… Who knew! Leo is now 38 years old.. My God! That means I’m getting old… lol… In the issue
There’s one thing that I think everyone can agree with, that is Bradley Cooper is a handsome man. It’s just true. I loved Silver Linings Playbook and if you haven’t seen it yet, you should really check it out. Bradley Cooper brings his A Game and he
For this weeks Jekyll or Hyde, I had to think for a second and then… Then it hit me… Bradley Cooper. Yep, one of the nicest celebrities around… However, there was one day… ONE DAY when he wasn’t so nice. In fact, he was kind of a
The words movie premiere was, shall we say a disappointment, zoe saldana disses fans along with jk simmons and Jeremy irons only signed a few autographs.
You know, I have to tell you… I admire commitment. It’s true. I remember Erica saying to me once…”You kept saying you were going to get that Kylie Minogue picture disc signed in a pink paint pen and there it is on your wall!” That was probably
Ah, another day another movie premiere! Today is a big one though, it’s the new Warner Bros movie musical Rock of Ages! Whoo Hoo! I have had spotty luck with Mr. Tom Cruise in the past, yep, even a full on denial to my face. God bless
Hey Kids, today we have a fun report from our man in Texas Chuck! It seems he has had the pleasure of meeting of my favorite’s comedian Steve Martin. Now, the only encounter I’ve had with Steve is when he said no he couldn’t sign for me
Ohhhh I’m loving these new Contagion movie posters! They were just released, and even though I haven’t heard much about this movie I’m becoming more and more curious about it. Plus, the start quotient is pretty high, Marion Cotillard, Matt Damon, Kate Winslet, Gwyneth Paltrow, Jude Law,
CB and Pinky, the terrible twosome! Lol… I can only imagine what hijinks those two crazy kids get involved in when they get together. And what hijinks did they get into you may ask? Topher Grace hijinks! Lol… Yep, the Valentine’s Day star was promoting… something… lol…