wristband Archive
For Awesome Anushika… Here comes the the new teaser individual movie posters for the Twilight saga Breaking Dawn: Part 2. The final crap-ter… I mean chapter in this saga. Which means that this is the last year that Twilight will be at Comic Con! Thank you Lord!
Oh that sausy Taylor Lautner! He just drives all the women crazy! LOL… Today Mr. Abduction himself, or as the Twihards call him Jacob Black is doing a talk show appearance to promoted the latest installment in the Twilight series, Breaking Dawn part 1. The novel so
I was so going to go to this event, and then Scotty said, “I’m getting there at 4:00 a.m.!” That’ when I said, “I’m staying in bed!” lol… Ah well… I know Scotty had an amazing day, and it will be something he will remember for the
I was so happy to get this! Scotty our resident music man had the good fortune to meet iconic screen legend Mr. Dick Van Dyke. Now, there is no need to go into how much of a legend Mr. Dick Van Dyke is, Marry Poppins will always