The Geekie Awards! With Stan Lee! Freaks & Geeks Samm Levine! Seth Green! Sarah Hagan! Clare Kramer! Richard Hatch! Cosplay! And More!
Stan The Man Lee was on hand to accept his first annual Geekie Award at the Avalon in Hollywood.
The Geekie Award supports and celebrates indie artists, filmmakers and creators. This year a whole host of people showed up at the event including the cast of Freaks and Geeks, Seth Green, and more!
Check out all the info and photos below!
Thunderous applause echoed throughout The Avalon Hollywood as Stan Lee accepted his Lifetime Achievement Award, presented to him by Seth Green, at the inaugural Geekie Awards. The biggest surprise came when Stan ended up singing his very own Ode to Geeks (in the tune of “Yankee Doodle”). There were many surprise awards given to kick off the show, such as “Freaks & Geeks” alumns, Samm Levine, Natasha Melnick, and Sarah Hagan, presenting the Geek of the Year award to Nathan Fillion. Accepting on Fillion’s behalf, The People’s Nerd and Super Bowl commercial make-out king, Jesse Heiman, who gave his BEST Fillion impression. Thrilling Adventure Hour’s, Marc Evan Jackson as Sparks Nevada…Marshall on Mars, presented the Geek Cred Award to the NASA JPL Mars Curiosity Rover team in attendance. There was even a special performance by Iron Shield Arms, LLC, L.E.A.G.U.E. of Steam, Andre Meadows, and George Shaw.
As Alison Haslip (G4) emceed the live-streamed event through Ustream, and Tara Platt lent her voice-over skills as the main announcer, many known geekie presenters awarded the class of 2013 Geekie winners. Those presenters were: Magda Apanowicz(Caprica, Continuum, Kyle XY), Ralph Garman (The Kevin and Bean Show, Showbiz Beat), Tim Jo (The Neighbors, Castle, Greek),Richard Hatch (Battlestar Galactica), Grant Imahara (Mythbusters), Kevin Shinick (MAD, Robot Chicken), Andrew Bowen (Rock Jocks, MAD), Keahu Kahuanui (Teen Wolf, Hawaii Five-O), Clare Kramer (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Bring it On), Miracle Laurie(Dollhouse, Any Day Now), Chase Masterson (Star Trek: DS9, AOL’s Sexiest Aliens), Chris Gore (Podcrash, G4), Mark Christopher Lawrence (Chuck), The Winner Twins (award winning sci-fi authors), Ashley Esqueda (host of Techfoolery), Bonnie Burton (Star Wars Craft, Geek DIY), Jenna Busch (Fanhattan, Cocktails with Stan), and Stephanie Thorpe (ElfQuest).
The Geekie Awards was created by über geek girl, Kristen Nedopak, in order to celebrate the most talented independent creators, artists, and filmmakers in the geek genre. This awards show stands alone as one that showcased the multitude of genres within the geek world to an international audience of industry leaders and fans who may not have otherwise discover it.
And The Geekie went to:
One Pumpkin to Rule Them All… for Best Geekie Arts & Crafts
COLONUS for Best Geekie Comics & Graphic Novel
The Goon (on Darkhorse Comics) for Best Geekie Crowdfunded
A Podcast of Ice and Fire for Best Geekie Podcasts
The Nerd Machine for Best Geekie Retail Store & Website
Undying Love for Best Geekie Short Film
The Record Keeper for Best Geekie One Shot
Cosplay Piano for Best Geekie Web Series
Takenoko for Best Toys & Games