The Movie Maven Says Skip In Time with the Timberlake and Gwyneth Paltrow Makes The Maven Want to Sanitize Herself On The Newest Netflix and Redbox Recap!

The Movie Maven strikes again! This week our resident Maven brings you the latest new releases on Amazon, Redbox and Netflix! Whoo to the Whoo… The Maven gives us the stitch on the new Justin Timberlake flick In Time and Gwenyth Paltrow in Contagion!

Don’t you just love the Maven! I’m so glad she’s giving us the heads up on all the new releases cause let me tell you, I didn’t even know In Time was coming out! I KNOW! DOH!

Check out The Maven’s recap after the jump!


This week is looking a little thin for new releases on DVD, Redbox and but I think both of the movies below are worth your time to watch this weekend.  If you have seen them let me know what you think or write a quick review and if we like it you may just see your review on!

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In Time:  I love the cast  in this movie you have Justin Timberlake, Amanda Seyfried, Olivia Wilde, Johnny Galecki from The Big Bang Theory and Cillian Murphy from Dark Knight and Inception. Unfortunately that’s where my excitement ended for this movie. The cast was great but it doesn’t cover up the bizarre miss-matched plot.  At first I thought JT’s character was trying to avenge the death of his family members and then I thought it was a bizarre love story with some Peter Pan-ish qualities.  I don’t know if I am just lost but I never really felt that there was a true storyline to follow.

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Contagion: Want to watch a movie that will make you never want to leave your house again and make you stock pile hand sanitizer?! Then this is the movie for you! But on the plus side if you are as annoyed with Gwyneth Paltrow as I am in her attempt to break into the music industry then you will enjoy watching her as her head gets cut open!
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