The Sucker Punch Premiere Debacle… Or Quite Literally The Sucker Punch Washout! Ugh…
I have to tell you, I have been waiting for the Sucker Punch premiere for months now… I mean MONTHS! Sigh… So, when the weather started acting all screwy here in sorta sunny California I was getting totally disappointed. Ugh… But when I looked out the window on Wednesday it was still looking good, I mean cloud cover yes, but it wasn’t raining. So, I’m off to try my luck with the girls of Sucker Punch. Hopefully, I won’t be rained out… sigh…
3:34 p.m. – So, I left my house, and it was fine outside. Thankfully, I brought my umbrella just in case. And I looked on and it said there was a 35 percent chance of rain. Ugh…
3:43 p.m. – It started drizzling outside now… Ugh… The umbrella is up. Sigh… Great…
3:55 p.m. – Rain, rain it was washed my dreams of the Sucker Punch premiere away… Dammit. The rain is really picking up now… I mean it’s touch and go. I still have some hope though.
4:09 p.m. – There are some hard core fans of Vanessa Hudgens here. I mean they have chairs, ponchos, and have been here since 10 this morning. Wow, now that is commitment…
4:42 p.m. – Damn… I mean it is pouring. I’m heading out of the rain. I’m hoping that I can wait it out. Sigh…
4:49 p.m. – Well… I’m now in the Baja Fresh enjoying some lovely chips and salsa. Relatively dry. Lol… Man, this sucks… Well, I’m hoping that it will lighten up, the rain I mean. I still have time.
5:01 p.m. – Baja Fresh has the best salsa ever. I think love gets put into every chopped tomato. It’s true. I really do think that.
5:25 p.m. – Still no luck. Ah well… Those girls are still out there with their crushed posters and water logged signs. There are also two girls without ponchos, umbrellas or any protection. They are soaked through and through. Lol… I told them they needed an umbrella, but no one listens to me.
5:43 p.m. – The rain is lightening up. So, I’m going to head out again. So far I haven’t gotten that wet, and I’ve protected all my memorabilia. CB was here, but he bolted for higher pastures. Lol… Or should I say dryer pastures.
6:02 p.m. – It’s pretty much a wash… literally… Sigh Jamie Chung just arrived and they rushed her straight onto the carpet. Ugh… What a nightmare. I think I’m going to head back inside.
6:09 p.m. – Jena Malone just arrived. This premiere is a washout literally… sigh…
6:38 p.m. – Well, I’m back at the Baja… Did I mention how wonderful their salsa was? I would have went home a couple hours ago honestly, but Scotty was here and he said it look him 45 minutes to drive to Amoeba music. That’s three blocks away. So, I can sit here and enjoy lovely chips and salsa or get in my car and sit in traffic…. mmmm salsa…
7:01 p.m. – Is it that God hates me? A downpour, like pouring during the premiere. As soon as the premiere ends. It stops raining. Totally nice. Seriously? Like what the hell man! Really! Sigh… How can it stop just as the premiere ends? Ugh… Ah well… It’s just that I was looking forward to this for so long. Sigh… Ah well… what can you do right?
7:43 p.m. – I’m hanging with CB. He’s a tad grumpy as well. LOL…
8:39 p.m. – I’m going to try the after party now that the weather has cleared up.
9:03 p.m. – A few of us are here at the after party, but there are a crapload of dealers… ugh…
9:11 p.m. Wow, this is going to be a cluster… sigh… oh the first arrival!
9:12 p.m. – It’s Jon Hamm! CB runs over shrieking like a schoolgirl or as he calls it stealthy like a ninja. I whip out my Mad Men poster and Jon Hamm is so freaking cool. He signs for pretty much everyone, and then says, “Okay guys, we’re in the middle of traffic so I gotta get in.” Lol…
9:17 p.m. – Emily Browning arrives… Security basically told her not to sign and then they rushed her inside. Damn… Great… This is going to be a dead end as well. Man, after the cluster of a day I thought this would be at least a shot. Ah well…
9:21 p.m. – There’s Jamie Chung. Same thing. Security rushed her inside.
I’m calling it. This is silly. I went out for a Sucker Punch and went home with a Mad Man! LOL… At least I got something out of this whole debacle. And yes it was a debacle. I have heard so many mixed reports about this movie. Sigh… But you know what, I generally like Zach Snyder, I think he’s a little cold emotionally… his films I mean, but at the very least they are visually interesting.
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