The Warrior World Movie Premiere! Tom Hardy! Joel Edgerton! Jennifer Morrison!
“Seal up the walls of heartache bang BANG! I am the Warrior!” Ah, I love the 1980’s… And well… This premiere has nothing to do with the 1980’s but it has something to do with Warriors! Yep, I’m heading out to the Warrior premiere! Lionsgate new project with Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton… I’ve been looking forward to this movie for a long long time, and I really hope it’s good… I’m also hoping that this will be a short day, but you just never know how these premiere’s are going to go…
4:12 p.m. – I just arrived, thankfully CB saved me a spot. There are only about 15 people here so far. I didn’t expect a huge crowd since this movie doesn’t have Huge huge stars in it… Yet… Tom Hardy is going to be Bane in The Dark Knight Rises, so it could be a little sticky…
4:19 p.m. – It’s a pretty normal setting.. Oh, they are finally… nope, still no fan pen… grrrr…
4:34 p.m. – There are now like 20 people here. I only have my Warrior mini poster and a Once Upon A Time mini poster for Jennifer Morrison… oh, and Stir of Echoes DVD… lol..
5:03 p.m. – Finally, the fan pen is up! My Lord…
5:11 p.m. – CB is going on about Fast and Furious again… My Lord… And one of the collector’s here has the audacity of criticizing Clue: The Movie… I mean really, the 1980’s classic starring Tim Curry? How do you criticize cinematic genius? Some people have no taste, and that’s all there is to it. God bless them… well, more like God help them…
5:17 p.m. – Sometimes I like having my own blog… lol…
5:22 p.m. – I walked inside the theatre to use the rest room and low and behold they have a mini prop display for the Warrior! They have some pads and the belt from the movie… How fun!
5:38 p.m. – The press are piling into their pens….
5:44 p.m. – Criticizing Clue: The Movie… how does one do that? I mean have they seen the movie… It’s amazing… Sigh… I feel like i should put together a Mike The Fanboy must watch list… Yep, I really do… I might just do that…
5:49 p.m. – Speaking of the 1980s, a lady with teal hair and wearing gold lame just walked up… seriously? LOL…. Only in Hollywood!
6:09 p.m. – Okay, some people are arriving… No one of note yet, but the premiere has started. The bad thing about this venue is that we have to wait until everyone is in before we can call them over… So, it’s always like, “We have to go in…” Ugh…
6:13 p.m. – Oh Lord there is a guy with the craziest hair in the world on the carpet… lol… I’m sure I should know him, but damn, that’s some hair buddy!
6:18 p.m. – Criticizing Clue… It just confounds me…
6:22 p.m. – Oh shit… all the power to the red carpet has just been turned off… or the power blew, lol…
6:25 p.m. – Wow, this is so boring… lol… Or as I like to call it a wall of celebrity.. Who, do we get next! lol…
6:31 p.m. – One of the dealers just called Denzel Whitaker over to sign… Okay… He’s really nice and signs up a storm for the dealers… Personally, I just want to get the two leads on my poster… Sometimes I like to get the smaller people, but this time the two leads will do it for me.
6:41 p.m. – Wow… I wish I was watching Clue: The Movie right now… sigh…
6:42 p.m. – Frank Grillo is coming over to sign autographs for the dealers…
6:43 p.m. – Okay, I think that the movie is supposed to start at 7:00… I think Joel Edgerton just got here… Man, this carpet is taking forever!
6:45 p.m. – Oh, there’s B.J. Penn from the UFC… He’s coming over to sign for the crowd…
6:49 p.m. – I see Kevin Dunn on the carpet…
6:51 p.m. – Everyone is yelling for Kevin to come over…
6:58 p.m. – Kevin Dunn comes over to sign for the crowd… I get him on my Stir of Echoes DVD… He’s really cool and signs for everyone on the barricade…
7:05 p.m. – Wall to wall celebrities! LOL…
7:11 p.m. – Oh, they are doing group shots now… There’s Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte…
7:14 p.m. – Everyone is yelling for Tom… Man, time is getting short…
7:17 p.m. – It looks like they are trying to usher everyone inside… dammit! We are going to get screwed!
7:19 p.m. – Yep, there’s Joel Edgerton! Everyone yells for him, and he tells us he will come back and sign, but he has to go inside to introduce the film… Sigh…
7:21 p.m. – Tom Hardy’s manager/publicist comes over and says Tom Hardy will come out and sign for us once he helps introduce the movie… Man, I hope they actually do it…
7:31 p.m. – The carpet is done… Wow, and the crew is actually breaking the carpet down now… ugh…
7:43 p.m. – Security just told us that Tom and Joel are watching the movie… It looks like we got screwed…
7:49 p.m. – Oh man… Now security is making us leave because they have to tear down the fan pit… They push us to the side of the theatre, and now… even more chaos!
7:51 p.m. – I’m getting my stuff together… This sucks… I’m tired, and I just don’t see this happening, plus I don’t want to wait until after the movie to get everyone…
7:53 p.m. – CB is all ticked off…
7:59 p.m. – Yeah, I think I’m actually going to leave… Oh well… I was looking forward to this movie too! Ah well, what can you do right?
8:05 p.m. – As I was saying goodbye to CB I turn and there’s Tom Hardy and Joel Edgerton walking over to us! I whip out my Warrior poster and Tom is happy to sign it…
Tom is getting a tad bombarded by Dark Knight Rises stuff, but is still signing at least one per person… Joel Edgerton is on the other side, and is really taking his time…
8:06 p.m. – Tom is moving pretty fast down the line…
Now, Joel is moving over towards my way… He is about to stop when I get him to complete my Warrior poster. Thank God! I’m so happy that they actually kept their word and came over… I hate it when celebrities say oh, I’ll do it after and then they don’t or sneak out… I’m a huge Tom Hardy fan so I’m glad he didn’t do that!
CB waited all night until the end of the movie, and was able to get Rene Russo, Jennifer Morrison, Kurt Angle and Director Gavin O’Connor.
I went home to relax… lol… Until next time kids!
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that’s a long time to wait!