The Words Movie Premiere Report! With Bradley Cooper! Ben Barnes! And A Diss From Zoe Saldana! DOH! Autographs! Photos and More!
You know, it’s all about the setup at premiere’s. Case in point the premiere for the new Bradley Cooper film The Words…. Now, if this was at the Chinese theater or in Westwood, I would have been like, oh easy. However, it’s not… In fact it’s an odd set up and everyone is scrambling. Sigh…
I’m mainly here for my sister, I wanted to get her a hangover piece signed by Bradley Cooper for Christmas (that’s what she gets for the holidays, DVD’s and autographs, lol Ah to be the sister of Mike The Fanboy). So, tonight I’m off… For Bradley Cooper, and for Zoe Saldana, Dennis Quaid, Jeremy Irons, etc…
3:09 p.m. – I arrived and Billy Beer and CB saved a couple spots…. I’m farther down but It’s a decent spot still so… Who knows…
3:11 p.m. – The carpet is off to the side and honestly I expected a bigger premiere for this movie…
3:25 p.m. – Billy Beer is high on life, lol… God bless Billy!
3:43 p.m. – Bill brought his Shameless comic con bag with him, I have one just like it lol… We got it together in fact… God bless Comic Con!
4:01 p.m. – There are not that many people here yet, but of course all the front spots are taken.
4:11 p.m. – It’s damn hot… Like damn hot!
4:24 p.m. – Billy heard that Carmen Electra was going to be here and so he brought his cd single of Fantasia Erotica. Now, This is a worn cd, so clearly he listens to this all the time… god love him…
4:39 p.m. – DVD Dave just showed up and Billy gave him the spot next to me. It looks good but God knows… You just never know what’s a good and bad spot… Sigh…
4:43 p.m. – Pinky just showed up! She’s going into the movie.
5:15 p.m. – The crowd is a lot fuller now… Lord… No matter where you go, there are lots of people around at these things.
5:39 p.m. – There is an unfortunate shirtless dude walking around… Dude, suspenders and unattractive shirtlessness is never a good look…
5:56 p.m. – I’ll tell you, Thank God there are cool people around to talk to, otherwise this would be a long long day….
6:08 p.m. – There’s Ian Gomez from Cougar Town!
I didn’t even know he was supposed to be here! Ian is always nice and I love Cougar Town. When Ian comes near me, I tell him how excited I am that Cougar Town is coming to TBS, and I also say, “You know ABC really fucked you guys this year” lol… I think he was taken aback by that, and was like, “well….” I’m like dude, it’s the truth!
6:22 p.m. – Someone from Dancing with the Stars is here… I have no idea who she is, and frankly I’m not going to bother looking her up. I do think it’s funny that random “fans” scream and scream for people and then are like, “who is that” really?
6:42 p.m. – Some Disney Channel girl is here as well… Again… Have no idea…
6:49 p.m. – Another dude… Again… Who the hell he is, I don’t know. He’s really nice though…
7:01 p.m. – Oh! There’s Jason Reitman! Dammit I wish I have my Young Adult mini poster! ! ! Grrrrrr….
7:09 p.m. – Shit! There’s Jeremy Irons! He’s signing but it staying in the same place! Shit! Shit! Shit!
I have my Borgias press kits for him to sign. He is literally just staying in the same place, and now as he gets to the end of the barricade he goes back and signs more for the SAME people… Ugh…
7:15 p.m. – I think… Oh crap there’s Bradley Cooper!
He’s signing and signing… He’s such a nice guy. I have my Hangover piece for my sister out…
Bradley is taking his time, he’s not as chatty as he usually is though…
I ask him to sign the Hangover piece to Becka, and tell him it’s for my sister for Christmas. He asked how to spell it, and takes his time with it.
Then I asked him if he would mind signing my Wet Hot American Summer mini poster.
He was like “HA” He signs it and is like, “You know it was just on not too long ago.”
Bradley continues down the line signing for everyone.
7:22 p.m. – There’s Ben Barnes signing autographs along with Dennis Quaid.
They are both signing down the line… Then… Then… They both stop… Son of a bitch!
Dennis Quaid says, “I gotta go!” Really… Really Dennis Quaid? Bradley Cooper is still signing just to the right of me! Ben Barnes says, I’ll come back!
7:31 p.m. – I figured I would wait a few minutes. Zoe Saldana came over and signed four… Yes FOUR autographs… I mean hello! Really Zoe? come on now… That’s just rude.
7:36 p.m. – Ben Barnes comes back and signs and signs and signs….
I was hoping that Dennis Quaid would come back, but alas that didn’t happen… Sigh…
And that as we say is that. I’m more than a tad bummed. I’m glad I got to get something for my sister, it’s always great to have something fun under the tree, however it wasn’t the most fun event.
But I got to come home to Theo Shag-a-Popolis for one more night! So that’s always a treat!!!
Until next time kids…
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Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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UPDATE! True the premiere sucked hard for us int he Mike the Fan Boy area. But some of the stars were a tad more friendly on the way out. Zoe, Justin Bartha and JK Simmons all signed either on way in or on way out of the after party. Dennis Quaid and Bradley Cooper were no shows at the party buy I was told Quaid did sign a bit more on his way out of the premiere. Jeremy Irons tried to sneak out of party through the backdoor. Some speedy graphers got him before he high tailed out of the area. You should have stuck around Mike! But some things (like time with your canine buddy) are more valuable in MY opinion anyway! Fun talking to ya!
Mike you notice in the photo’s you take, that exactly the same dealers/collectors are always in the front? Too funny! Another decent night for you. You got your main goal getting you sister her Xmas present. Whats nice about it all is even though you have a “bad” night graphing you’ll always have the Theoster to come home to cheer you back up!
Debby Ryan and Johnny whitworth meanie 🙂 Debby looks like a Texan beauty queen but Johnny was looking amazing 🙂