Tilda Swinton Is Stunning On The Cover Of The August 2011 Issue Of W Magazine!
Fashion can be an incredibly polarizing thing, as in acting it divides people down the line. So, When you have a fashion icon such as Tilda Swinton who is an amazing actress polarization is a given. Personally, I am on team Tilda, I think that she is such an incredible performer and I have been a giant fan of hers from back in the day.
I remember back in Michigan renting all the indie and obscure movies I could muster up at my local video store. Yes, we had those back in the day… Video Stores… lol… Every time I brought one home I head my mom say, “Oh God, not Miramax again…” Ah, Michigan…
Anyway, the star of a lot of those features was Ms. Tilda Swinton. Her gender bending, and for lack of an unused term, androgynous style was extremely captivating. I remember watching Orlando, or The Deep End, and just being riveted by her performances. Of course more recently she has been in Constantine, Michael Clayton, I Am Love, Burn After Reading, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button, and so on and so on…
So, without turning this short post into a love letter for Ms. Tilda Swinton which I fear I already have, I just saw the new issue of W Magazine while picking up a Super Big Gulp at the 7-11… Gender bending heroines and Diet Coke make interesting bedfellows I know…
The photo shoot for the August 2011 Issue of W Magazine with Tilda Swinton on the cover is superb. It’s striking, just as she is and fun. Inside the photo shoot itself will be polarizing to a lot of people, but you can’t say it’s not interesting. Using simplistic forms, masks, makeup, and simple fashion Tilda is able to transform herself in this photo shoot just as she does in her acting work.
I say it’s stunning. You are free to disagree.
About The Author
Starting this website has been a labor of love. I love sharing my fandom experiences but more than that I love hearing everyone else’s stories. I love hearing about conventions, movie locations, meet celebrities good and bad, I love it all. I sincerely hope you enjoy my exploits, the adventures of everyone who submits an article, and all the members of the Fanboy Family! Without everyone who writes and reads MTF there wouldn’t be a site. This is truly for the fans, by the fans!
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