What Grinds My Gears! Fanboy Fail Edition! Crappy Security! Screaming Girls! And More Frustrations!

We are back with what grinds your gears fanboys and fangirls!
Now listen, I’ve been down in the dumps a little, so this is going to be a Fanboy Fail edition.

I just had a fail today, and I’m a little bummed out in general to be honest. It just seems like anything and everything… It’s just rough.

Maybe it’s me, maybe it’s me not wanting to be a dick to other people. It could be a little bit of everything.

grinds my gears

So, this is going to be my Gear Grinder issue, but please, comment below with your own. Or tell me I’m an idiot, lol. I’m fine with it all. 

Are you ready?

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… When people act like insane drooling freaks when a featured extra decides to pick up a pen.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… When the cast of a movie that’s out in a month acts like they are too good to greet fans even though they’ve only done one thing… In their whole career… EVER!

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… When security think that their $12 an hour job entitles them to be a dick and play God.

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… When you actually are excited about a new movie and then you meet the cast and now… You don’t want to even see a trailer for the film.

the maze runner logo

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… Wasting three hours in the hot sun and having some tween say, “I deserve to be in the front, because I care” Bitch, I was here for three hours, step back.

Mike striking a Viking warrior pose

Mike striking a Viking warrior pose

DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… People looking at the tallest (and clearly the most handsome) person in the crowd and saying “he must be a dealer because he has his poster on a board.” Sorry for giving a shit, and being tall. Blame Jesus for the last one.


DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… C- level stars who pretend they are so nice and friendly, then when the cameras are off say, “I can only do one quick selfie then I have to run.” Really? To go sit on a parked bus for 20 minutes? Because that’s what happened, I’m talking to you Dylan O’Brien!

tyler posey dylan o'brien teen wolf cast hot


DO YOU KNOW WHAT GRINDS MY GEARS… The fact that everyone seems to be in a bad mood lately, including me. 🙁

What grinds your gears? Comment down below! We’ll include the best ones on the next post!

grinds my gears

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  1. Onlyacollector August 23, 2014

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