Wondercon 2013! The Much Ado About Nothing Panel! Joss Whedon Coolness! With Clark Gregg! Sean Maher! Tom Lenk! And More!
One of the biggest draws of Wondercon had to be the Much Ado About Nothing panel. Now, I know what you’re thinking, how did the bard become so popular with the Iron Man crowd? Well, when the person who spearhead Much Ado About Nothing also directed The Avengers and Buffy The Vampire Slayer and Firefly and Dollhouse and… Yeah… It’s Joss Whedon.
Opening June 7th, the newest adaptation of the Shakespeare classic was shot in Joss Whedon’s house! Yep, the man never rests! Tagging along with Joss Whedon for the panel were Nick Kocher, Clark Gregg, Jillian Morgese, Romy Rosemont and Brian McElhaney, along with cinematographer Jay Hunter.
First we were shown the trailer that’s online for the film and then the panelists came onstage. Three scenes were shown from the film, one was between Beatrice and Benedick as he tried to impress her doing push ups and trying to impress her.
The second scene was with Claudio and Leonato where they discussed Claudio’s wedding plans and Benedick hides in the bushes outside and listening in.
Finally, we were treated to a scene with Nathan Fillion and Tom Lenk doing a police scene to extremely comic effect.
During the panel Joss displayed his usual dry wit even though Nathan Fillion was absent from the panel. According to Joss he was sadly disfigured.
Joss said that the origins of the film came from doing Shakespeare readings with friends. During the shoot Joss encouraged everyone to hang out at his place which created a jovial atmosphere.
Joss said, “I think most of the people were sober while actually acting in the film.”
Most of the questions asked were directed at Joss directly. One in particular inquired how Joss picks his projects.
“Do I have something to say? Do I have something to say about a bunch of weird alienated people who are forced to come together when they would rather be alone, and then… I went oh!”
The film was shot in black and white even though Joss said, he would have loved to include pops of color in the production and thought of it but couldn’t due to budget issues.
At the end of the panel Joss said that he would love to work again with everyone in this cast, he wasn’t sure that another Shakespeare film was the right project.
All in all it was a great panel.
Joss Whedon is and always will be one of my favorites, watching him interact with fans just makes me love him more!
Make sure and check out Much Ado About Nothing in limited release June 7th!
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