Happy Holidays From The Mike The Fanboy Family! Check Out The Pictures From The 2017 Holiday Party!
2017 is drawing to a close and as we celebrate the holiday season, I just want to take a moment to say thanks for sharing another year with us here at MTF.
We’ve loved sharing out moments, posting your experiences and just enjoying being fans and friends. If you’re interested in writing for MTF, doing some articles or even a column, drop me a line! mike@mikethefanboy.com
2017 has been a year of new experiences, new friends and hopefully new laughs as well.
MTF is a site that’s a labor of love and it’s exciting to see how it grows year after year and it’s only possible because of our awesome readers (so many whom I’ve met this year, which has been really great!), our fantabulous writers (who need to write more!! and great contributors (Everyone who sends in stories and adventures, I really appreciate it. I love hearing about everyone’s experiences, even more than I do writing about my own sometimes!) and my friends and family!
Extra special thanks goes out to all my friends who I sadly neglect year after year, Scott who puts up with my madness and Theo who gives me snuggles!
On behalf of the MTF family: Billy Beer, Scotty the Music Man, Pinky, Ace, TTM Troy, The Novel Strumpet, Suddenly Susan, Big Mike, Derek, Lindsay and Erica, we wish you the best of the holiday season!
May 2018 bring you abundant joy and lots of love along with some fanboy goodness! And all the selfies and autographs you can handle!
Check out the photos from the Mike The Fanboy 2017 Holiday party. Billy Beer, Erica and TTM Troy sadly couldn’t make it, but they were missed!
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Best to you guys! So much love
I look forward to seeing these photos every year. Best to you guys! Thanks for all the hard work
woosers! You guys look great! I love seeing everyone being so silly.
You guys all rawk! Can’t wait for the best and worst signers!