bad ass Archive
Maine might work for some story backdrops, but not even Tom Berenger can save “Blood and Money.” After 90 minutes, you might feel that’s exactly what you spent trying to watch with this action-drama- blood and money. Retired veteran Jim Reed (Tom Berenger) loves hunting and living
Welcome to the weekend movie poster round up! Woo to the hoo! There were tons of new movie posters released over the past couple days. I’m still shocked at all the huge titles that were put on public display. Some of the most highly anticipated titles are
I don’t know what it is but I actually really like Zoe Saldana… I’m sure it has to do with her geek cred in Star Trek and then of course Avatar… But she’s very versatile as an actress, she’s done comedy, drama, Mr. Spock, you have to
Oh dear, here it is! The very first image of Henry Cavill as Superman! While I’m not totally sold… I still don’t see why they are rebooting Superman… and then Spider Man and I’m sure there are plans on rebooting Batman once Christopher Nolan is finished with
Wow, I’m getting excited for Thor people. I had my misgivings. I really did, but after seeing the initial trailer, and then the promo posters… I’m starting to get at least slightly sold… And this latest round of promo images look kinda bad ass… Chris Helmsworth seems