Starz Outlander Archive

Outlander Recap and Reflection! “Wentworth Prison”

#BlackJackisBack….bum, bum, buuuuuuummmm….. We’ve read the books…we knew what was coming…but still were unprepared for this… Recap – Episode #115 “Wentworth Prison” So to open a show with a hanging is pretty dramatic. To open it with multiple hangings while our hero contemplates his own demise is

Outlander Recap and Reflection #113! Childbirth! Betrayal! Blackmail! Final Outlander Contest of the Season!

The final half of the second half of the first season of Outlander! (Translation: Big action ahead!) This week we learn that life is anything but simple in lovely Lallybroch and we also kick off our final Outlander swag giveaway of the season! Recap – Episode #113

Outlander Recap and Reflection! Episode 109 “The Reckoning” Swag Giveaway! The Scoop On What’s Happening With Claire And Jamie!

#Droutlander is officially over! We have arrived at the magical oasis and finally drunk from the…stinky spring that lets everyone know we are not lying when we say…FINALLY OUTLANDER HAS RETURNED TO US! Batten down the hatches everyone. If the rest of the season is anything like