TTM Er.. Tues! Jeremy Talks The Best And Worst TTM Autograph Signers of 2022! The Results May Surprise You!
2022 was an interesting year for collecting. I’ve compiled my list of the top 10 best and worst signers for the year. Please note that these are my top 10 and in no particular order: Here we go….
Best signers of the year
1. Carol Burnett- Unbelievably gracious about signing- she is a legend!
2. Christine Elise- She’s always SO good to her fans. She’s even cooler in person
3. Bob Newhart-Another legend who always makes time for his fans.
4. Jane Lynch- She was signing up a storm during her stint on Broadway.
5. Karen Allen- Very good to her fans.
6. Billy Crystal- Another legend who signed everything sent to him on Broadway
7. Annie Potts- Consistently great about signing
8. Martin Sheen- A class act. Always.
9. Jennifer Holliday- If you can get her, she really takes extra time to sign photos and draw extras on photos
10. Chevy Chase- He is the only one on both lists. For some, he has signed.
1. Tim Allen- In addition to not being funny or relevant, he also doesn’t sign.. always a secretarial.
2. Jamie Lee Curtis- Her signing habits are about as good as the last “Halloween” movie.
3. Shirley MacLaine- Her secretarial autographs are out of this world.
4. Chevy Chase- He charges a ton for in person at a con. Or he’ll ruin your photo for free with an autopen.
5. Charlize Theron- Her autopen reminds me of her acting; flat and poorly done
6. Patti Labelle- Maybe she’s too busy making the pies to send authentic autographs?
7. Chris Pratt- Always sends the autopen. Here’s my advice.. less dinosaurs and more signing.
8. Lea Michele- Don’t bother sending to her on Broadway. Much like her career, it won’t return.
9. Dick Van Dyke- In between counting the money, his wife signs photos for him.
10. Charisma Carpenter- She’s not technically even a celebrity any longer, but she still won’t sign unless its at a con.
billy crystal should be on no list too i sent pic not got it back
How about a good address for Martin Sheen? I’ve tried two PO boxes and a street address and it’s been RTS each time. 🙁
Dan- try this address: c/o Estevez Sheen Productions
99 South Raymond Avenue, Suite 601
Pasadena, CA 91105-2046