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Movie Posters / Quentin Tarantino Unveils A New Django Unchained One Sheet Movie Poster! With Jamie Foxx! Christoph Waltz! Leonardo DiCaprio!
Quentin Tarantino Unveils A New Django Unchained One Sheet Movie Poster! With Jamie Foxx! Christoph Waltz! Leonardo DiCaprio!
November 12, 2012
Movie Posters
Ohhh the new movie poster for Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained is out. I’m getting more and more excited for this movie! Plus, it has such a great cast!!!
Quentin Tarantino is a tad hit and miss for me, but the man who brought The Bride to life always gets at least a first watch.
This poster features Jamie Foxx front and center with Leonardo Dicaprio and Christoph Waltz behind him. I like the black white and red look at well!
Check out the new poster after the jump!

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