Edie McClurg elvira mistress of the dark Archive
I have to tell you I loved Wreck-It Ralph. It was a wonderful look back at the video games of our youth when simple computer graphics were a source of amazement. Wreck-It Ralph is out now on Blu-Ray and I highly suggest you pick up a copy
Walt Disney has just released these two really cool deleted scenes from Wreck-It-Ralph! I love seeing this stuff, it’s so interesting to me to see how the process works from beginning to end. Especially with animation, films go through so many iterations, a lot of times the
I’ve never been that big of an animation fan, I mean I love me some Little Mermaid and Finding Nemo but on the average I don’t go out of my way to look for animation to check out. However, I keep hearing amazing things about Walt Disney’s
I don’t know how many of you made it out to the Wreck-It Ralph premiere at the El Capitan Theatre in Hollywood last night… But I know A couple people were there. I spied Billy Beer in the crowd getting some graphs! The stars were all out