michael c hall sexy Archive
It’s Throwback Thurs! For today’s look back in time, I’ve been thinking of my favorite television series and of course Dexter is at the top of that list. Dexter just released a teaser trailer for the new revival and so… Clearly, I had to use this as
It’s on people! For her second Sundance recap, the colorful Ms. Pinky is mad and she’s not going to take it anymore… Actually, she’s tired and ready for bed… However, with the couple days she’s had, I’m tired just hearing about it! Pinky is a tad devastated
There’s no better way to end Emmy season than with Ms. Pinky Lovejoy’s annual recap of her trip to the Emmys! Pinky always has such luck at the event and from what I can tell has a ball! She got to meet some amazing people but did
To get the ball rolling at Comic Con the fine folks at Showtime have come up with a bunch of clever Dexter Memes! Who doesn’t love a good meme right? lol… Showtime is having a Dexter panel at the Con along with Homeland and Shameless as well
Now, I know I promised you guys a treat straight from the set of Dexter season 5… Well… Here it is! Mike The Fanboy contest time!!! Get out your kill kit, cause this is a fun contest! As any fan of Dexter knows the big bad for
What! What kind of craziness is this you might ask? Rare, Dexter season 6 one sheet posters.. To giveaway? Say wha! I know, that’s just the kind of Fanboys we are here at www.mikethefanboy.com As any reader of Mikethefanboy knows, I am a diehard Dexter fan, and