prometheus 2 Archive
So much information is leaking out about Prometheus 2. What’s interesting is that Ridley Scott has leaked the title to the film is going to be, Alien: Paradise Lost. The film will tie into the original Alien films, but again will not be a direct sequel. Share
It looks like before Alien there really was Prometheus. Empire Online reported that Neill Blomkamp’s highly anticipated Aliens sequel is still very much happening. There has been rumblings that it might be going away slowly, but Empire said that Michael Biehn and “someone” at Fox said it’s
Well, it’s official! The Fox movie that Ridley Scott is doing will be Prometheus 2. For all the flaws of the first movie, I still liked it. I said it, there. It wasn’t perfect, It wasn’t great. I don’t know why Charlize Theron couldn’t roll like Noomi
I know a lot of people hated Prometheus… I have to tell you though, despite it’s flaws I liked it. There, I said it. I was expecting more, I’ll be honest, Ridley Scott… Alien… BUT I still would rather a movie try and tackle a big subject