Sam Hueghan Archive
It’s official…DROUGHTLANDER IS OVER!!!!! Here we are everyone, The Fiery Cross! Not sure about other readers, but this is still my favorite book in the series so color me excited. This season promises to be full of twists, turns, triumphs, and heartbreaks (like every season) and the
The Holidays definitely put us on a hiatus with travel and family shenanigans, we didn’t miss any episodes, just didn’t have time to do a write-up so we’ve got some things to catch-up on. Here’s a quick breakdown of the big points from the previous 2 episodes:
Everything old is new again! Another familiar face pops up at Fraser’s Ridge! Knock, knock, who’s there…LORD JOHN GREY! It’s nice to see Lord John again and, surprise, Willie is with him. Only now he’s Master William and oh so mature. Such an awkward moment when they
Ok, let’s all shout it together now…MURTAGH!!!!!! We felt he might pop back up given the way he and Jamie parted ways last season, but still, this was an amazing surprise! Hello, our new favorite silver fox. Rawr! Book readers may be a little puzzled by his
The title is the essential theme of this entire episode. The characters find common ground in a lot of situations: motherhood, relations between people of different cultures, strained romantic relationships and even a bit of camaraderie with their animals. It’s strange, but even the moments of danger
Strap in…this one was a doozy! Recap – Episode #6 “Best Laid Schemes…” Jamie sits at his desk looking all pensive, and after the way the last episode ended, are we surprised? Murtagh enters the room to say he’s met with Randall’s second and he’s found a