Carrie Movie Premiere Report! Chloë Grace Moretz! Julianne Moore! Autographs! Madness! And Insanity!
You Will Know Her Name…
As the tag line suggests, I guess we do know her name, and it’s Carrie. More specifically, it’s the remake of Carrie and today is the premiere. Starring Chloë Grace Moretz and Julianne Moore, Carrie is the go to horror film for this Halloween.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to come today, I need Chloë Grace Moretz on a couple things and I love me some Julianne Moore. She is pretty damn awesome, but I’m not certain she will come over. Who knows these days.
I arrived late and Scotty is here already in the second row. So I join him and quickly we are joined by DVD Dave who has an assortment of randomness for Julianne Moore and Chloë Grace Moretz.
Its a nice night, but the barricade is tight and it quite tense in our little huddle.
The carpet is small and fairly basic. Soon it will be swarming with people.
Dealing people can be a chore, and today there is one person who is extraordinarily choresome. Not my proudest moment but I think I yelled “you’re a piece of pointless human waste.” or something to that effect. Anyway, I don’t get mad often, I think I’m pretty even keeled, however.. There are times…
For Chloë Grace Moretz I have my Dark Shadows mini poster, my Dark Shadows individual mini poster for Chloë Grace Moretz, and my W Magazine. For Julianne Moore I have a vintage Entertainment Weekly, my Boogie Nights counter standee, a Kids Are alright mini poster and another magazine as well.
It’s a long day, lots of random people walking around, I think some are headed to the gym and people going to the premiere. Honestly, it’s taking quite a long time.
At the far end of the carpet, there is yelling but we can’t see who for. Sigh.. I hate premiere’s at the arclight.
Justin Hartley is on the side and is signing autographs and taking pics with people. He’s super nice.
I’m second row behind Frank and I’m just hoping that we get something tonight. Time is ticking away and We haven’t even really seen anyone.
Megan Goode is here and signs a few for people.
And we continue to wait. I can’t even see Julianne Moore in all the madness on the carpet. I’m telling you, I don’t think they even got to the video press.
And it seems like forever… This premiere is literally like watching paint dry.. Or pig’s blood.
Billy Beer just arrived. He got off his flight and dropped at the premiere. That’s graphing dedication.
Judy Greer is here and heading inside. She gives a quick wave but doesn’t come over.
Finally after another 30 minutes we see Julianne Moore. She waves and comes right over… I’m a little shocked. She says she will start on one end and come all the way down.
It’s madness. Literally, photos go flying, you can’t see hardly anything.
Julianne Moore does keep making her way down though.
I have my Kids Are Alright mini poster out and as she goes by she signs it.
Then I hold out my vintage Entertainment Weekly which catches her eye and she signs that one too.
and then she’s off. It was fast but she covered a lot of ground.
Then right after Julianne was finished Chloë Grace Moretz is heading in an waves that she will come over. Prepare for madness.
Chloë Grace Moretz is taking her time for the most part but she’s being somewhat selective about what she signs.
There is one photo from Hick that she is refusing to sign that some other collectors have. She sees my Dark Shadows mini poster and signs it right away.
Then I pull out the W magazine and ask her to sign that one as well.
She skips over it but finally she see’s it and signs the W magazine. It looks pretty damn good.
And that is pretty much it. It was at lot of work for such a small premiere but that’s the way the cookie crumbles sometimes.
Until next time kids…
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You seem very surprised that julianne moore came over. I thought she had a reputation as one of the coolest women in Hollywood?