autograph rare Archive

Throwback! Scotty Gets His Thanksgiving Miracle! He Gets To Meet Legendary Dick Van Dyke Along With Carl Reiner and Michele Lee At A Q And A For The Comic! Autographs! Photos! Chim Chim Cheree!

Scotty has been trying and trying to meet legendary actor Mr. Dick Van Dyke for what seems like at least eight years. I wish I was exaggerating. Honestly, it’s been a mission for him. He was rejected one on one, in a crowed, etc… So, when I

Manic Monday! Pinky Pities The Fool After Meeting The Iconic Mr. T! 1980s Selfie Goodness!

Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here excited beyond belief to have finally met the one and only Mr. T! buy online no prescription pharmacy   Now, to understand what a big deal this is, it’s important to look back and see what a phenomenon Mr.

Manic Monday! Pinky Shares Her True Love For Benicio Del Toro After Meeting Him Again… And This Time She Doesn’t Light Her Hair On Fire! YAY!

Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan here and if you’ve been following this site for long enough, you might recall my true love for Benicio Del Toro and the “burning hair” incident. If not, good news! I’ve got a link right here: Even more good news? I