The Worst Frakkin’ Posters For X-Men: First Class Have Been Released! OH MY GOD!

james McAvory professor X rare promo sexy hot rare professor X individual mini poster rare x men first class professor xavier

These are the worst posters I have seen since the Morning Glory fiasco! What the hell! I mean did someone say, you know to promote X Men First Class we should take silhouettes of James McAvoy and Michael Fassbender and then take their faces and slap em’ on their crotches! Whoo Hoo! What a great campaign!

I mean really!


Sigh…. It’s bad… like junior high Photoshop bad… I just can’t believe anyone would release this crap… I’ve seen indie movies with better artwork…


Check out the other Michael Fassbender photo after the jump and prepare to cringe…

Michael Fassbender x men first class individual mini promo one sheet movie poster rare hot Erik Lehnsherr

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  1. Randi Thomas March 9, 2011
  2. Randi Thomas March 9, 2011
  3. fe March 10, 2011