Fanboy Fail Fridays! Jennifer Lawrence Or How One A-Lister Has Turned To The Dark Side And Not In The Cuddly Darth Vader Kind Of Way! Dissing Fans! Being Rude! No Silver Lining Here!
It kills me when people turn to the dark side especially people who I really like. I mean Jennifer Lawrence used to be nice and now… Man, she’s basically become the word that rhymes with witch. And I’m not talking about the cult classic Teen Witch starring Ms. Robin Lively… No… This is more like Bellatrix Lestrange.
Yep, that kind of witch.
And no, this isn’t Molly Ringwald, clearly Molly was never nice. No, I’m talking about Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence. She’s had a banner couple of years and all I hear is that she’s super nice, well this year every encounter I’ve had with Jennifer… She’s been nasty. Like downright rude.
Jack went out to meet Jennifer Lawrence at a recent talk show taping and… I’ll let him tell the story.
Take it away brother!
Certain celebrities are always a challenge. Whenever a “star” is having a career year, anything can happen, especially how dramatic their attitude can change over that time span. However, I find it most frustrating when someone transitions from fan friendly to arrogant. Such might be the case for the lovely Jennifer Lawrence.
Ever since I first saw her in “Winter’s Bone” I have been following her career, whether it was supporting roles (“Like Crazy” and “The Beaver”) or leading roles (“The Hunger Games” and “Silver Linings Playbook”) I think she will one day be a great actress. Despite everyone’s advice I decided to trek out and meet the two time Oscar nominee at a recent talk show taping.
4:20 p.m. – I just arrived at the Hollywood & Highland parking structure. After quickly making a pit stop I head on over to the taping area. I have a Rolling Stone magazine, a Vanity Fair and two DVDs (“The Beaver” and “Like Crazy”). The magazines are for my friends and the DVD, whatever one I can get, for myself.
4:30- The barricade is about three or four people deep with about 50-60 people already. Glad I arrived early. C.B. stops by and we started talking about our expectations. Honestly, not too many people expect her to sign.
4:40- A young woman standing next to me starts asking me questions about “signing opportunities” and I explain it’s “hit and miss” with anyone, especially A-listers like Jennifer Lawrence. She informs me she is with Black Sparrow Auctions, which is auctioning off some of “The Hunger Games” costumes and she wants to obtain something for a giveaway prize. I wish her the best of luck, but inform her there is a small chance she would sign and IF she does, it will either be on the way in or exiting ONLY, not BOTH.
5:00- Jennifer Lawrence arrives and everyone goes crazy.
I mean people are screaming their heads off and she is heading inside…WAIT. She is actually coming out, but seems focused only on one area where there are a handful of young girls.
Jennifer is just staying in one place and oh crap I think someone hit her in the face with photos. Please no…did they? I can’t tell. She remains focused on four girls in the corner….What’s happening?
Crap, she’s taking off right now and seems focused moving forward as “though she is concentrating” on every step. Lawrence is completely ignoring fans calling out to her and is surrounded by her large entourage of several people.
It appears she only signed five or so autographs and took off.
Now some of the amateur paparazzi and dealers are saying she won’t do it leaving. I have the same gut feeling and believe they’re right. About half the crowd takes off and I text Mike warning him she just signed for only a few people. I confer with C. B. and admits “That’s probably all she will do,” but is only waiting to avoid the traffic. I agree and decide to wait….just in case.
Meanwhile I bump into Jeremy, whom I met at the Mark Wahlberg taping a few weeks back and begin to discuss films, especially foreign films. Our conversation continues covering the history of cinema when I receive a phone call from Mike asking for updates. I inform him she barely signed a handful of autographs and the line for one of his favorite bands Tegan and Sara was wrapped around the block, reaching the corner Hollywood shop across from the Gap. I even take a picture to prove it (later showed it to him at the Ang Lee Q&A).
Soon more young fans arrive and we are back at about 50 or so fans, with almost the majority of them young females holding small signs and “Hunger Games” memorabilia.
About 6:30- Lawrence comes out in a stunning yellow dress and there are about a dozen videographers taping her leaving. Maybe she will sign with “so many people taping her”? Nope, we just get a lame wave and suddenly almost everyone runs to the exit to see if she will sign from her car.
Alas, she doesn’t and instead several security guards blind everyone with flashlights and the night turns out to be a bust. Immediately I call Mike and tell him the bad news about Jennifer snubbing young fans waiting for her. C.B., Jeremy and I call it a night and all agree “the dealers ruined another nice person” because of greed. Supposedly Jennifer used to be a complete sweetheart and now she has turned to the darkside. This was my first time ever “meeting Jennifer” and now I regret missing two “Winter’s Bone” screenings I was invited to back in the day.
It reminded me of Mike’s recent SLP article. Not that long ago Mike attended a screening with the entire “Silver Linings Playbook” cast and met the man, the legend Mr. Robert De Niro. In his review he wrote the following choice words about Ms. Lawrence:
Sadly, I think she no longer enjoys the spotlight and believes anyone who isn’t under the age of 18 (and female) is not a fan. Shame she feels this way, especially for us tall twentysomething guys.
P.S. After typing this up I soon discovered Jennifer Lawrence was a “little drunk” at the taping and had some “tequila shots” beforehand, which she mentioned during her interview. If that’s the case, it’s even more disheartening she would snub her fans while being a tad intoxicated. I like what one collector said, “I don’t know what’s worse, signing only four autographs or not signing at all? I think it might have been better if she didn’t sign at all.” I will let you be the judge, but I highly doubt I will ever attempt getting Ms. Lawrence again. Until the next time, happy autograph hunting!
For her nasty behavior I am awarding a rare Angry Theo to Miss Jennifer Lawrence!
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Hey Mike, you know who I think is turning to the Dark Side? Mr. Bradley Cooper. I think you should make a new collumn called “The Dark Side” haha
It’s interesting. I read another blog at another event where this same thing happened. However a bunch of girl s had 8*10 photo s and she skipped them…. she seems to be paranoid about dealers
This is baloney! (LOL)….it makes you seem so juvenile and hypersensitive. It also smacks of a hitjob.Lawrence is well known for being friendly especially with fans. (LOL)….so, a publicist paid you off, right?….because from what I’m hearing, the Oscar campaigning is getting ugly. Lawrence has a great rep so, publicists are trying to smear it and it’s not working.
I read this a second time and it’s even more pathetic…so, you are pissed because you didn’t get an autograph…in other words, YOU are being dissed?. An actress on a busy schedule who did stop to sign as many as she could (time allowing) didn’t sign for you and that automatically means she’s a bitch?. Wow…you’re a piece of work (LOL!). Also, the TIMING of this little hitpiece, er, article is VERY fishy. Jennifer Lawrence is up for an Oscar, (the favorite…but, you and the publicist who paid you knows that)Lawrence has been the talk show circuit darling (see especially, Conan appearance…which is universally loved by the internet, twitter) and has a great reputation so, write something as ridiculous as …WAAAAH!, Jennifer Lawrence didn’t sign my stuff…she’s mean!, in an effort to distract and distort. Also, the Kimmel appearance was last week so, why is it being written about now?…oh yeah, the BAFTAS are this Sunday! (LOL!).
At the end of the day, it will be judged as a desperate attempt to smear an Oscar frontrunner…very lame indeed and so OBVIOUS. See ya, boys!.
Wow, you are clearly a fool. No one was “paid” by some mysterious publicist. LOL… Jennifer has been nasty all year. This isn’t the first time, in fact I’m not the first website to report on it. Oh, but wait… It’s a conspiracy! LOL… Like anyone at this event was an Oscar voter? Nope, just regular fans who got dissed. You sir, are the pathetic one.
I have to give Jennifer the benefit of the doubt on bolting from the SAG screening. This was the same day as the Critics Choice Awards and she’s the only one from the cast that changed from her day clothes into evening attire. So she clearly had to take some time to get ready between events.
Oh, and M, just gotta use one of my favorite movie lines of the year…”Calm down, Crazy!”
Yeah, I know her parents were at that screening as well Marie, so you know it happens. This is the fourth time I’ve seen her and each time she’s just not nice. This past year changed her sadly.
Sigh this makes me sad! I know she used to be nice but when I was in New York she wouldn’t even look at my friend and i!
Just a shame! Clearly the dealers and ebayers have something to do with her changed behavior. Jack, you did have “product” and not photo’s. She should have signed for you and probably would have but being surrounded by the dealers and papps it was a lost cause.
I just so glad I did get her at one screening at the Pacific Design Center. Next to Santa Barbara Film Festival, I think this was the only other time I’ve seen her sign.
Dear M. – as much as I hate to quote Miss Lawrence, “calm down crazy.”
Although I appreciate receiving feedback on my article I will have to politely disagree with your conspiracy theories on why this particular article was published “today.” First off, as an autograph collector I don’t believe I’m entitled to anything and celebrities certainly don’t “owe me” anything. I merely wrote about my recent experience with Jennifer Lawrence, which occurred barely one week ago, Thursday, January 31, 2013. Until recently I rarely attended, if ever, talk show tapings and want to pass along my experiences, especially for other less experienced autograph collectors.
In this hobby, we all come across friendly and rude people during our autograph adventures/celebrity encounters. Just because we have had good/bad experiences with a certain celebrity doesn’t mean they are necessarily nice/mean all the time. Would you believe two of the nicest celebrities I have ever met were Shannen Doherty and Charlize Theron? I wholeheartedly detest when people generalize a celebrity’s signing habits because it’s completely random even though they may have developed a particular reputation (Just look at Scotty’s, Mike’s and Billy Beers’ three different experiences from the SAG awards and they were all next to each other!) One of our writers, Suddenly Susan, finally met Hugh Jackman after about 10 attempts and even jokingly said “he’s supposed to be one of the easiest and friendliest people to meet.”
Like everyone else, celebrities have their good/bad days and some have them more than others. As a matter of fact, there are several columns dedicated to uncharacteristic experiences such as Jekyll & Hyde and Fanboy Fail Fridays on By pure coincidence, this fell on the weekend before the BAFTAs and was the most recent “fail” to be submitted.
What bothers me about this particular opportunity was Jennifer reluctantly came over before her taping, only signs for four girls (ignoring everyone else) and later admits on Jimmy Kimmel, “she’s a little bit drunk” (A fact I found out the day after through video clips and news articles). And by ignoring fans, I mean not saying a word (to anyone), looking up or acknowledging anyone before her taping. When she left the taping, there were NO DEALERS in sight and a ton of young girls with scraps of paper, DVDs and other Hunger Games mementos waiting alongside me after coming home from school. Instead we get a half-hearted wave and that’s it. Weeks prior, Mark Wahlberg actually apologized and seemed genuine that he had to disappoint fans.
Obviously I’m disappointed, but it doesn’t mean I wrote something malicious or called her any of the things you mentioned. I just wrote about my recent experience during awards season and unfortunately, it seems like other people such as Mike, Will, etc. have had similar experiences in the previous months during this year’s awards campaign. If you can recall, my first paragraph even mentioned several friends/collectors tried talking me out of attending because they perceived it “would be a waste.”
Sadly, some celebrities get burnt out on signing autographs, which happens, but it’s certainly disappointing when you finally meet someone “fan friendly” (or at least used to be in the case of Jennifer) and they brush you off completely. Sadly it seems like autograph dealers and greedy autograph collectors ruined another “nice” signer. I hope for my sake I’m completely wrong, but you never know!
NAOMI WATTS IS EVEL!!! She didn’t sign any of my pictures at the SAG Awards and Oscar Luncheon. Nobody vote for her for anything!!!! Let’s take out all the other nominations so Jessica Wins!!!! LOL, I didn’t want M to be the only one making STUPID comments.
I mentioned this a few weeks back that she turned to the dark side after someone mentioned she bolted. In NYC several collectors ( I read their forums) only a few people waiting etc,etc ignore,ignore honestly she needs to personalize everything or say one each then that would shut out the dealers I mean it isn’t fair for the fans and it isn’t fair for the people who aren’t the dealers not everyone is a bad guy and dealers ruin this hobby for everyone and sometimes I hate it.
Wow ! controversy hits Mike The Fanboy!
I honestly think dealers ruin it as I would think she recognizes a lot of the same people there all the time…I think I would at least and then I would just be mean and draw a nice line…..:). I think she’ll be back as she was cool once and she likes to personalize things too..she’s just tired of the same people in LA and NY that she sees at every show then sees her stuff on ebay for 150.
The three times I tried for her she hardly signed at all. I heard even more horror stories from other people too. However, her final appearance in NYC that trip, she did sign. This was the same trip she did SNL and was apparently sick. So I dunno.
These past few months have been exhausting for her. She has been doing back to back press, promo, while filming. She has been sick and just lost her long term bf and a ton of weight. I think you should later when all the hoopla has calmed down. There was just another fan encounter I read that said she was really sweet + fan encounters at the Bafta’s said she signed every autograph. You can tell from candids that she looks miserable. Even her producer came out and said she was not getting sleep. I think she is still nice, just overwhelmed/grumpy at the moment.
How was she being rude? She was just in a hurry.
How on earth can you justify that as being really rude or “snubbing off her fans” and especially “turning to the dark side ” the woman has a job and she’s got to be places, as much as this may shock you, she can’t hang around all day signing stuff! She was obviously just in a hurry. Seriously. This is stupid.
Hyperbolic title. Bolting and not signing autographs might be discourteous to fans, but it hardly constitutes as rude and nasty…and the idea that a celebrity is a bitch b/c she doesn’t do it at a handful of events is short-sighted and narrow-minded. We don’t know what she has going on in her life, and not every moment of her life is a performance. Yes, celebrities gain their power from their fanbase and their fan appeal, but that does not mean they become a fan’s trick pony.
Come on!!!, she was late for the tv program… and of course, she don´t need to sign everything and take photos all day with fans. If you (writer) will be someone famous, you will find annoying paparazzi, fans all day and everything who distroy your live , because you won´t be normal as us