How Awesome Is The Cast Of Community & Donald Glover? According To Russell Pretty Damn Awesome! He Even Gets Invited Backstage! Say Wha?

As 2012 draws to a close, everyone, I think naturally looks back at the encounters that they loved. Russell just sent in this awesome experience he had with the cast of Community and Donald Glover in particular. It’s moments like the one Russell and his family had that really make me love this hobby.

Not only did Russell head to Paleyfest when Community had a panel there, but he was invited to party with Donald Glover after one of his stand up shows! Say what? Damn… Talk about fan friendly!

Check out his full report after the jump!



So looking back at 2012 probably the coolest event we went to was Paleyfest (not counting Comic con as that is always the coolest) and getting to go to the Community panel. We decided to make a weekend of it and drove down to visit our son going to college down in Irvine and took him and his girlfriend to the event. Never been to one, but I read a lot of the blogs and knew that after the show was over it was a sprint to the front row and then pray.

So we arrived a few hours before the start, waited in line and just ate. Looked around the place to see where drop offs would be and there were only 2 places which was in the front or back near some parking lot. Was hoping to get some of the cast members to sign some stuff before the event and then focus on the others during the mad rush to the stage.

Our son introduced us to the show so he was a big Troy and Abed fan and of course with the autograph gods on our side, Danny Pudi gets dropped off in the front of the theater and we got to get a cool photo op and get some of our pictures signed.

Danny Pudi Signing autographs for fans fan photo at paleyfest 2012 rare promo panel hot rare signed photo rare

That was pretty much it and we got inside. I can see that the front area that was sold out ($75.00 /tkt) was ideal, but you probably want to sit on aisle so you can get out. We bought the $35.00 seats and was one section up, but chose the aisle as my kids can sprint.

Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo

The show was great and the 2 missing from the cast were Donald Glover (see story below) and Chevy Chase. The cast was engaging and just plain funny. All were great and Jim Rash even brought his Oscar to the event.

community paleyfest panel 2012 Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo

So after the show the rush to the stage occurs and all in all we were able to get our cast shots and some individuals signed.

cast of community signing autographs for fans signed photo paleyfest 2012 rare community paleyfest panel 2012 Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo cast of community signing autographs for fans signed photo paleyfest 2012 rare community paleyfest panel 2012 Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo cast of community signing autographs for fans signed photo ken jeong paleyfest 2012 rare community paleyfest panel 2012 Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo alison brie gillian jacobs signed autograph community photo cast of community signing autographs for fans signed photo ken jeong paleyfest 2012 rare community paleyfest panel 2012 Community paleyfest 2012 panel with joel mchale yvette nicole brown signing autographs for fans rare promo

So fast forward a month later and my younger son wants to go to the Childish Gambino concert (aka: Donald Glover). Donald is the ultimate triple threat guy as my kids tell me. He is a writer (wrote for 30 rock), rapper, and actor. I wasn’t really that enthused to go see the concert (I’d rather just try and go after and get a signature and complete the cast shot), but what you do for kids.

So he is performing in Sacramento and line is huge as it is general seating and I guess he has a pretty good following. So we got there a few hours before show as wanted to see venue and maybe get him on the way inside the show. His bus is parked in the back so I figure he is in there so I wait patiently. I do notice some people coming in and out of bus and I asked this one guy if Mr. Glover is inside and he told me he is inside the building already. Now of course it could be BS, so I wait a little longer and still a no show.

So we go inside and watch the show and he is actually pretty talented and music pretty good.
After show we wait outside by bus and of course security are being pricks about clearing a public sidewalk and threatening tickets to people. Please. But there are about 30 or so people waiting and we wait and loiter around as he is inside the bus. So after an hour we see band members coming out and smoking and hanging out, but no Donald. Then the same guy that told me initially before concert that Donald was inside comes up to me and tells us Donald is not coming out as he is not feeling well. “We’re doing a concert tomorrow in Oakland and I can get him to sign some things before the concert” he told me. So I gave Ibra my cell and went home.

Now of course do I expect this guy to call me? I hope, but you never know. So the next day it’s already 330pm and I’m not optimistic when I get a call from a New York area code and Ibra asks me if I still want to come down and get it. He said he can’t get me into the concert as it’s sold out, but he can maybe arrange it before it starts. So my wife, son and I venture out and I’m kinda glad it will be a short night. So when we get there I call Ibra and he says to wait a bit. He then meets me at the gate and I see the tour bus behind and he says that Donald is in game mode and he doesn’t want to break him out of his routine and asks if we wouldn’t mind doing it after the show and he can get us into the VIP section.

Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo

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Okay, not sure if my wife is going to enjoy the music, but we go to the show again and again he put on a great show.

Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo

After the show I call Ibra and he meets us at gate and takes us to the waiting area and then to the bus. I’ve never been in a tour bus and couldn’t believe this was happening. So we get in and Donald greets us and my wife asks “Can I do the handshake with you (the Troy and Abed)?”

Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo

So they do the shake and he is gracious and signs all of our cast shots from Community and his CD. I also ask him if he wouldn’t mind talking to my son in Irvine as he is not going to believe this is happening and he was gracious enough to call him and trust me, my son was in his Levar Burton moment (Community people will understand it).

Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo

All in all the best random act of kindness that has happened this year to us and blessed that my kids got to have that experience with one of their favorite “triple threats”. Happy Holidays!!

Community cast signed autograph cast photo with Joel Mchale ken jeong chevy chase Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo Community cast signed autograph cast photo with Joel Mchale ken jeong chevy chase Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo Community cast signed autograph cast photo with Joel Mchale ken jeong chevy chase Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo Community cast signed autograph cast photo with Joel Mchale ken jeong chevy chase Childish Gambino concert aka: Donald Glover signing autographs for fans rare promo signed photo concert marquee oakland ca marquee hot community star rare promo

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  1. Jack January 1, 2013

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