UPDATED! Pretty In Pinky! Posing The Question Why Is Molly Ringwald So Nasty To Her Fans! Pinky Is Mad And Not Going To Take It Anymore! Grrrrrrrr…
Ohhhhhhh Pinky is maaaad…. I wish there was some way to type vocal inflections. It would make the whole internet change and go insane! lol… Oy!
Anyway, the wonderful Ms. Pinky couldn’t hold herself back any longer… She finally had to say something about the horrible… The nasty… Ms. Molly Ringwald… Ugh… You know, I have encountered her a few times before and each time I’m as polite as can be and ask for a signature… Then Molly looks at me like I farted in her face, a stinky, smelly, wet fart.
Literally, that’s the best way to describe it. (I may be smelling a Fanboy Flashback coming…hmmmmmmmm)
Pinky had a friend who encountered Ms. Molly Ringwald and got the Fart Face from her just like I have, and Pinky has, and Scotty has, and… Well… Everyone who has tried to meet her has. So, Pinky decided to take to the social networks to vent her frustration after a friend of hers was dissed at gay pride.
In a word… Awesome! See… If I could add vocal inflections it would have been something like… AweSOME! But that just looks silly… Doh! Check out Pinky’s report after the jump!
Hello, my lovelies. Pinky Lovejoy here just laughing at the response I received back on Twitter from Molly Ringwald. You know, THE Molly Ringwald. My icon and hero of life from the iconic films Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, and The Breakfast Club. I’ve been watching her act since she was on The Facts of Life a million years ago and I’m a HUGE fan.
I bought her book. I’ve seen everything she’s ever done and the first time I saw her randomly on a beach, I thought it was my best day on earth. Sadly, our encounter was so awful that I ended up in tears. You see, the sad reality is that she’s just not nice to fans. She’s not. Maybe she’s nice to people on-set or in her personal life and that’s all fine and good, but I’ve now seen her on three or four separate occasions and every single time she was awful. And it isn’t just to me – every person I’ve talked to about it has the same story.
I’m sure someone could say she’s tired of getting hit up, she’s been famous (I use that term loosely here) her whole life, blah blah blah, but you know what? It doesn’t hurt to be (at the very least) civil. Brad Pitt is on an entirely different plane of fame and he’s amazing to fans. Same with Angelina Jolie, George Clooney, Johnny Depp, and Tom Cruise. Molly seriously needs to check herself.
So, I’ve been following her on Twitter lately and noticed that on Twitter she appears to be super nice to fans. I was like, “Huh?” Because this is not the Molly I’ve seen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m (sadly) still a huge fan and would like a picture with her more than almost anything on earth, but I just don’t like how she’s always so mean. It’s not just unkind, it’s downright mean. But, maybe she’d turned a new leaf? Maybe she really was going to be nice? Stranger things have happened.
What set me off the other day, you ask? Well, Molly was scheduled to be the Grand Marshall of the float in the Hollywood Gay Pride parade. My heart leapt at the news and I envisioned a happy day wherein she hugged me, took a picture with me (for my collection to add with other Brat Packers like Judd Nelson and Anthony Michael Hall – who were both AWESOME to me, by the way), and thanked me for all my loyal years of being a fan (OK, I know it was a lofty dream, but a girl’s gotta dream, right?). I was even going to bring her a bribe, I mean flowers, and really lay it on thick. She HAD to do it at Pride, right? Wrong. My poor little sweet friend trekked down there for the beginning of the parade (I was going to go at the end) and encountered the same awful, nasty, terrible Molly as before. He was the ONLY person asking for an autograph and she said no. In fact, she was SO terrible to him that the EVENT STAFF intervened and begged her to sign and still, she said no. WTF?!?! (apparently she did end up doing it begrudgingly at the very end, but it shouldn’t have been that hard).
Later that day Molly retweeted something from WeHo Daily with a picture of her saying “The Goddess Molly Ringwald.” At this point, I couldn’t hold myself back and had to respond with, “A goddess to who? She’s still awful and horrible to her once loyal fans. Sad. She needs to learn how to be nice.” OK. OK. *Maybe* I should’ve held my tongue. Maybe. But I wanted her to know that her actions are noticed.
Today I saw that she’d written me back (but I’m guessing it’s ONLY because I copied WeHo Daily on my tweet) with the following, “So sorry you were hurt by something. Xo.” At first I was touched and felt terrible for saying anything, but then I noticed one interesting thing: SHE BLOCKED ME ON TWITTER!!! Which begs the question – WHO IS THAT RESPONDING?!!? Because it’s not Molly. I mean, how sorry could she really be if she blocked me?!!? Hypocrite!
Someday I hope she shows up at the Hollywood Show begging people to pay for a picture (which, of course, I’ll do, even if she’s 80 and still mean) and then maybe I’ll finally get my chance to meet her where she’s not making me cry. Until then, I’ll continue to watch the last five minutes of Sixteen Candles (otherwise known as the best five minutes in cinematic history – other than the first five minutes of Shame) and watch Jake Ryan kiss her on a glass table. Swoon.
For additional pink fodder, please visit www.pinkylovejoy.com. As always, have a pink day!
Molly responded on Twitter to a fan of the Pink one! I thought that it would be fun to share with you guys!
About The Author

Pretty In Pinky
Pinky Lovejoy-Coogan is a celebrity enthusiast who enjoys long walks on the beach, Piña coladas, flamingos, and Hello Kitty. She's rarely met a celebrity she didn't like (and when she doesn't, trust us, you'll hear about it). She is married to the love of her life, Keith Coogan, and they are currently enjoying their Happily Ever After.
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sorry to hear that, pinky. most all my friends say the same thing about molly. i’m the black sheep here. i tried her two times. once when she was leaving her broadway show in NYC at end of 2001. she took a photo with me. i was only one who got one. fans on both sides of barricades. i had to be very fast, and i barely got it. then i get her in Bay Area in 2006, also for a play. she signed two photos for me, at same time. my other friends tried her there other times as well, but she wouldn’t do anything. –ms9
EEeek. That sucks. “Sixteen Candles” is my absolute favorite movie. #1 without a question or hesitation. I read about many people saying how rude Molly Ringwald is. It’s sad because – since that is still my #1 favorite movie – I will never attempt to try to meet her now. I don’t want to chance a sour taste left in my mouth that would somehow ever enjoy my enjoyment of “Sixteen Candles”.
I learned my lesson the hard way long ago. When I was a teenager one of my super-hero musicians was Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins. Long story short I got to meet him in the dressing room of my friend’s dad’s band (*Billy was the GUEST). I very calmly tried to start up a conversation with him, although I was jumping up and down frantically in my head. He was so condensing, snotty and rude! He was a grown man and I think I had barely turned 18. I didn’t ask him for a photo. I didn’t ask him for an autograph. I asked him if he had recently talked to a friend of his that I also happened to know. I think still to this day he’s the rudest “celebrity” I’ve ever met and it really upset me enough that I still have that horrible meeting in the back of my head when I hear a Smashing Pumpkins song today. He ruined some of his beloved music for me. Lesson learned the hard way. 🙁
I have never heard about molly bring nice. only when a camera was on her and even then it was so fake. its sad because she is an icon!
I met Molly at a book signing in Northridge of all places for her first (and at the time her only LA appearance) for her book tour and she was Sooooo Cold to all her fans. Heck, she even refused personalizing books and I was devastated. I specifically went for my friend and she refused to personalize a book that was going to be a birthday present. I will never support Molly again for being so rude. By far the rudest of all the Brat Packers. She needs to be more like Rob Lowe and Emilio Estevez when it comes to treating your fans right.
And as for the Twitter thing Pinky I learned something very interesting from a colleague. Most “celeb” accounts are actually run by their spouses and assistants. I cant state names but several prominent musicians dont actually respond to their accounts and one happens to be a Rock N Roll HOF member
First of all Pinky….so sorry for you bad experience with Molly. I guess it’s the luck of the draw. I hear everything you say about her. BUT I’ve found that all situations are different. Dvd Dave will stand by me on this…she was nice at an apperance at the Hollywood Book Festival a few years back. She did pose for photo opps and she would sign in addition to the book one piece of memorbilia. Also while she was in the OC doing her Sweet Charity play if you approached her walking to the venue from the hotel she would ALWAYS sign one autograph going in. So she’s not a racker but she did do it.
Again,Pinky I’m sorry that you haven’t had a good experiance with Molly YET and that she messed with you on her Twitter ( Though, I don’t understand why you would even consider following her Twitter considering you “hate” her so much? )but having done this for so long ALL graphing situations are different. Celebs that are considered nasty I have at least gotten once or twice. Even celebs that don’t sign anymore I’ve gotten like Francis McDormand and John C Reily. Other “non” signers I’ve gotten are Morgan Freeman and Sean Penn. I remember at tapings of The Facts of Life all the girls would line up and do a little meet and greet as you exited the studio. Back then Molly was a sweetheart.
Pinky I truely hope that one day you will get Molly when she’s in one of her better “moods” and it’s an extreme low key situtaion. Compared to some other celebrities she’s not that bad. Don’t give up!
Oh…….did you bring Sammy with you?
Good Luck!
John, thanks for your sentiments, but I want to emphasize that I don’t “hate” Molly by any means. I’m still a HUGE fan – my room is adorned with movie memorabilia bearing her image, which is why it always destroys me not to have her be nice. I’ve seen her one on one rip me apart with no one else around. I don’t want an autograph; just one picture. I agree with everyone having good and bad days, but unfortunately I keep getting her on her bad ones. I know all situations are different, but in general she seems not happy to greet fans. Hopefully one day I’ll catch her on a good day. Fingers crossed! No, I didn’t have Sammy with me.
To Molly’s “defense” I just submitted an article to Mike to give my positive encounters with her.
I really hope you do get to meet her with better circumstances.
Maybe it might take Sammy to break Molly’s “cold heart”. LOL!
Pinky, you should update with the tweets she made about fans. I will forward them to you later.
Sorry to hear that! It really sucks when your such a huge fan of someone, and really admire them. Then when you finally get to meet them, they’re hateful, snobish, and just a plain ole’ jerk! This has happened to me on numerous occasions. It definitely makes you lose respect for them, and always look at them in a different life. I mean I can understand if it happened once, because everyone has their bad days. Every time is just unacceptable! She wouldn’t be who she is today, if it wasn’t for her FANS! I’ve always loved Molly Ringwald, but this definitely makes me lose respect for her. Knowing that she’s treated you, and others this way. I’m sorry, but if you was to strip away all her fame, and fortune she would be just like you or me! Keep your head up girl! Next time don’t be so nice to her when asking for a picture, and I guarantee you’ll get a picture! Sometimes being too nice, gets you nowhere! Don’t know why that is, but it happens! Maybe it’s time to put her back in the 80’s, and keep her there? 😉
Ill give you a report in 2 weeks as I will bring my Pretty in Pink DVD and 16 Candles.
I just happened to watch 1 of your movies recently and thought I would Google to find out what happened to Molly. Sad. Nevertheless, she is who she is and when you have 2 or 3 people reporting a positive meeting yet an army of people reporting that she was a total ditch pig to virtually every 1 of her adoring fans then I have to agree; why don’t we all just leave her back in the eighty’s where we we once found her. Seriously, why would anybody want anything from someone with such a horrible demeanor celebrity or not. Come on people give your head a shake… And ditch the wanna be diva.
That’s very sad..I’m going to see her read from her book tomorrow..I was very excited and hoping to get a photo with her..I looked to see online if I could find any of her and fans and I found this..It’s heart breaking when one of your favorite celebs isn’t very kind.