Amy Poehler sexy Archive
How can you not love Parks and Rec? It was one of the funniest and most interesting shows on TV! The cast was top notch and while it was always an under the radar sleeper hit, the people who discovered the series know how awesome it is!
There’s no bigger fan of Parks and Recreation than James from the other side of the pond. He had a great weekend that he dubbed his Amy Poehler weekend. How can you not love Amy Poehler? Seriously! Parks and Rec is one of the funniest shows on
I love Anna! Can I tell you how awesome she is? In the midst of SDCC madness, she sent in this awesome recap of the Inside/Out premiere and I… Well… It got lost in my shuffle. Doh! But Anna was able to meet he incredible Amy Poehler!
Inside Out is currently burning up the domestic box office, but it had it’s Australian premiere a few weeks ago and star Amy Poehler was on hand to support the film. Also on hand were fans of Parks and Recreation and Inside Out! Share on Facebook
“Inside Out,” the new sure to be animated classic from Disney/Pixar had their world premiere yesterday at the El Capitan theater in the heart of Hollywood. All the stars from the film showed up to support the project. I hear that this is an amazing film, full
Man, I’m not ready for Parks and Recreation to be over. Sadness. The series was so damn funny. The cast was excellent, and the catchphrases… OMG! I proudly own a Mouserat and RIP Lil’ Sebastian shirt. Sigh… I’m going to miss the rag tag group of Pawnee
Pinky is a huge fan of SNL, she loves the old cast, the new cast, even the 1980s cast. Yep, she’s a fan! LOL. The show will start it’s 40th(!) season this upcoming fall and that’s an impressive feat for any series. That’s crazy! Check out Pinky’s
The world of pop culture can be a cruel mistress! And This week the awesome Karalee has some fun moments from this past week. What could have happened this week you may ask? Oh, just Miley Cyrus is on Maxim’s hot 100! Paltrow Poops on The Party
I know it’s getting deeper and deeper into 2013 and yet here we are still counting down the top concerts of 2012! It’s funny because Billy Beer just asked me about this list, so I’m really glad we have the rest of them in! This is #4
I’m excited for today… But a tad leery. there are three people I really like… Well, two people I like and one I love. The one I love is Shirley Manson from Garbage, the other two are Ben Affleck and Amy Poehler. Now, I know Ben Affleck
There’s no better way to end Emmy season than with Ms. Pinky Lovejoy’s annual recap of her trip to the Emmys! Pinky always has such luck at the event and from what I can tell has a ball! She got to meet some amazing people but did