hunger games signed Archive
It’s Throwback Thurs! With the new Firefly and Buffy The Vampire Slayer DVD sets coming out I figured this was the perfect time to do a Throwback Thurs back to the time when I met Nathan Fillion! Such a great guy, Seriously… He’s awesome. Check out the
It’s photo flop time kids! Billy Beer has sent in a fine photo flop featuring him and Twilight star Ashley Greene! Billy had a couple tries for the star first time… Well, l have to say, the first try… It’s not so good… Share on Facebook
Man, I’ll tell you; those full days of fanboying can be exhausting. I’m getting too old for this shit! LOL… Any time you can quote Lethal Weapon is a good day. Anyway, while I’m here hanging with Mr. Theo Shag-a-popalis, Billy is out and about on the
Gone… Gone… Hmmm I don’t even remember Gone… When was it GONE in theatres… Sorry bad joke… It’s a Saturday and I’ve fiended on Diet Coke all day… It’s like crack I’m telling you. Actually I do remember this thriller starring the wonderful Ms. Amanda Seyfried. I
Dude, the Hunger Games… One of my most anticipated movies of the year, and judging by the box office this past weekend a lot of people shared my enthusiasm! CB was fortunate enough to attend the book signing they held at the Barnes and Noble that featured
Okay, I loved the Muppets parody trailers they did when the the movie was coming to theatres… And now the Muppets are hitting the much anticipated Hunger Games trilogy. While it’s not as original as the first ones that were released, it’s still really cute! Gosh, I’m
Oh Hunger Games, it’s like Twilight only good… Sorry Anushika. I’ve actually been looking forward to this film series for a long time now. There was an announcement that the cast would be doing a mall tour to promote the film and only 100 people would get
One of my most anticipated films of 2012 is The Hunger Games… I just think it’s going to be amazing! Literally, I can’t wait. So, being the crazy collector I am I want to get started on my Hunger Games mini poster ASAP. So does The Lovely