Jessica Chastain zero dark thirty Archive
I have to tell you awards season on both coasts can be a frantic affair. People are all over the place. Elise in the Big Apple headed down to the National Board of Review Awards to get a few people. There were some awesome guests that included
I love hearing from Big Apple Elisa! This is a wonderful report on the New York Film Critic’s Circle Awards! It was a star studded affair with Sally Field, Daniel Day Lewis, Steven Spielberg, and more! Elisa got a few great autographs and one awesome fan photo.
In her final New York report The Lovely Erica recaps an amazing trip that has been pretty unbelievable. Les Miserables, The Hobbit, Downtown Abbey, can I get a damn?!? If there was ever an epic trip, this would be it! There were a few other random encounters
The awesomeness of Jessica Chastain. I swear it should be a new column here on MTF. I sincerely hope that she stays that way as the awards surely pile on. Also, it’s so good to hear from Big Apple Elisa! I feel like it’s been forever since
Man, Jessica Chastain is everywhere! She is hot on the promotional trail for Zero Dark Thirty while balancing her Broadway play duties. God love her. For the January 2013 cover of W Magazine Jessica gets four…. Wait… yes four covers! Holy shit! lol…. The are pretty damn
Jessica Chastain is everywhere! Damn… And I mean DAMN! She looks a-Ma-ZING in the new issue of British GQ magazine. Holy hot damn! It’s just an amazing cover. She is out promoting her new movie Zero Dark Thirty and is almost sure to get an Oscar nomination.
Honestly, when you’re talking about nice celebrities there’s no one nicer than Jessica Chastain. She is just kind as kind can be. I hope that never changes! Jessica is really being talked up for her role in Zero Dark Thirty and from everything I hear, she is
When The Lovely Erica was in New York she made sure to check out one of the hottest plays on Broadway, The Heiress. Starring The Help’s Jessica Chastain and Downton Abbey’s Dan Stevens The Heiress is a hot ticket in town! And what’s a Fangirl to do,