silver spoons Archive
Oh Ms. Pinky. She is at is again kids! Pinky loves… and I do mean LOVES her some Silver Spoons, yep… “Here we are, face to face, a couple of silver spooooooonnnnns…” Oh, that theme song… Why is it ingrained into my memory… WHY LORD WHY! But
I just love it when I get new submissions from people, and today one of the coolest collector’s out there, Susan just wrote in about her passion for the autograph collecting hobby. I have to think of a new fun name for Susan… I’m so terrible at
Hey kids, I just heard about this great show on the Sundance Channel called The Mortified Sessions! It’s a great fun show where celebrities share their most embarrassing stories about life before stardom. But what made my ears perk up was the subject matter this week… None
You know for someone who loves the 80’s as much as I do, I never got into Punky Brewster. I know gasping ensues, but it’s true! The pint sized heroine never much appealed to me. Now, ask me about The Facts Of Life and you will get
You know, I have tried and tried to meet Jason Bateman… And even though the wonderful Ms. Pinkster has had her fair share of success with him, I have sadly struck out… It’s always nice though to hear stories throughout the years, I mean when I was
Here we are face to face, a couple of Silver Spoons! Hoping to find, we’re two of a kind making a go, making it grow together! We’re gonna find our way…” Yep, that was from memory people! Ah, Silver Spoons, the show that said, “Rich kids, have