snyders Archive
God bless Billy Beer! Even while he’s in the cold arctic tundra of Michigan he still sent in this great report about meeting Magic Mike star Olivia Munn. I will admit I’m not all that familiar with her body of work, I do however know the other
It’s like I was just talking about Gerard Butler yesterday… Oh wait.. I was just talking about Gerard Butler yesterday! DOH! Only me. Anyway, Gerard Butler is one of the nicest celebs around, in fact I don’t think I’ve ever seen him not sign or greet fans.
Susan is awesome! She sent in this great Photo Flop! I know I posted a Photo Flop with Gerard Butler and now Susan has one as well. I know a lot of us really like Gerard Butler here at Mike The Fanboy and I appreciate the fact
Okay, for a quick post, Pinky challenged me on my Photo Flop earlier this week. We both thought it would be fun to do a Photo Flop Remix where if anyone wants to, they can send in their good photo with any celebrity! It’s just a fun
Hey kids! Like I said before we are going to have a bunch of new columns popping up here on MTF and today I’m going to christen a new one. I think this one was actually my idea (I don’t get to pat myself on the back
I was just telling myself, I said to myself… Mike, you need to watch 300 again… It’s been way too long… And while that was the extent of the conversation, I still haven’t popped 300 back in the player. Ah well… Then Erica got to meet Gerard