Chuck Our Man In Texas Gets To Meet Parenthood and Father Of The Bride Star Steve Martin! And I’m Jealous! Grrrrr….
Hey Kids, today we have a fun report from our man in Texas Chuck! It seems he has had the pleasure of meeting of my favorite’s comedian Steve Martin. Now, the only encounter I’ve had with Steve is when he said no he couldn’t sign for me cause of traffic… sigh… Ah well… Parenthood! I love him in that movie… Ah well… what can you do right?
Anyway, Chuck had a bit of luck with him in the heat of Texas so check out his report after the jump!
Hey there, it is I, Chuck from the great state of Texas. The celebrity pickings have been few and far between here lately, but I did manage to get Steve Martin. He was in town playing a banjo with his band….. (Groans!)…anyways I went out to try and get him to sign a photo of us together.
I got to the venue around 2:45pm and it was HOT! A nice balmy 100+ outside. Luckily it was in the shade. Around 4:02pm, a nice black SUV pulled around the corner and it was go time. Mr. Martin got out and signed one each for us 4 collectors who were waiting for him. He also took another, better photo with me.
Another great and quick celeb encounter to add to my collection.