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Team Edward or Team Jacob, was a Twilight fad? The drama between dudes over a girl that’s just awkward oh wait that still happens today. Are Twilight stars still relevant or did their careers go to shit?? Apparently not cause Robert Pattison appeared in a film festival
Super Short Sundays – The Lost City of Z Edition December 17, 2017 By: Scott This week I was able to attend a special Q & A for The Lost City of Z. After the movie, I was able to meet Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, and the
It’s Fanboy Mother-fucking Fail Friday! You know, this has been one hell of a week. So, I would like everyone to join in me in doing a shot of Vodka or any other hard liquor you might have, right now. With that out of the way, it’s
The Lost City Of Z is one of the newer films already trying to cook up some pre-pre-pre awards season buzz. There was a screening of the film along with a q and a featuring Rob Pattinson, Charlie Hunnam, Tom Holland and Sienna Miller. A pretty amazing
I’ve been hanging with some really awesome people this week and while I can barely keep my eyes open to type this postzzzzzzzzzz… Sorry I fell asleep on my keyboard. Harry Potter has been on my mind and I thought it would be perfect to share this
Red Rover, Red Rover, send Robert Pattinson right over! This stuff almost writes itself sometimes. MTF Reader, and contributor and all around awesome guy Paul headed down to The Rover premiere to try and meet Robert Pattinson. Now, we all know how awesome Robert is to his
Hold the phone… Robert Pattinson as Indiana Jones? It could be true! According to The Daily Star, Disney is looking to reboot the Indiana Jones brand and is looking at the young Twilight star to be the lead. Share on Facebook
So, did you make it out to Twilight fan camp downtown Los Angeles? No! What! You missed your chance to see Rob Pattinson, Taylor I do all my acting shirtless Lautner and Kristen Stewart live and in person! Doh! Well, now you can catch the live stream
Even though Awesome Anushika has been MIA for what 2012? Yeah, that’s pretty accurate, I can’t help but show my love when I see something Twilight-y in my midst! None other than Mr. Twilight himself Robert Pattinson is covering the September 2012 issue of Blackbook magazine. The
Oh no Twilight fans.. It’s the final film in the saga of Jacob, Bella and Edward! Tear… Well, not for me. Honestly, this post is for the long lost Anushika. I think her recent trip to Australia swallowed up Anushika and she’s now throwing way too many
For Awesome Anushika… Here comes the the new teaser individual movie posters for the Twilight saga Breaking Dawn: Part 2. The final crap-ter… I mean chapter in this saga. Which means that this is the last year that Twilight will be at Comic Con! Thank you Lord!