true blood hot Archive
I’ve been rewatching True Blood over the pandemic and thought it would be fun to share a recap from one of the premieres. These were always an adventure to go to and a lot of fun. Check out the recap below! I feel like the True Blood
True Blood is about to premiere it’s 7th and final season on June 22nd, and now we have the official poster image for the bloodsucking finale. I love me some Sookie Sackhouse and it’s sad to see True Blood end it’s run. I do love it when
True Blood is back for season 6 on HBO! I have to tell ya, I didn’t think that season 5 was all up to par with the previous seasons but I’m still stoked for the vampire series to return. I love me some Sookie Stackhouse and Pam
I am literally heading out on a jet plane tomorrow… Leaving La La Land to see my family for the holidays. Rest assured we still have lots of fanboy awesomeness to go for this year. Before I head out, I had to run to the Warner Bros
Have i mentioned by love of True Blood before? Have I? Well, one person to rival my love of the show is ms. Pinky! She loves her some Sam Trammell and i wouldn’t want to be the one who gets in her way! Pinky found out about
After reading my recap of the True Blood season 5 premiere, my comrade in arms, Ms. Pretty in Pinky decided to chime in on the experience herself. Now, we both literally went though the war zone, and to me at least what I refer to as our
FANBOY FAIL! Yep, a new column here on Mike The Fanboy! So let me define what qualifies as a FANBOY FAIL! and you need to say it, loud and extend the fail… FANBOY FAIL! A Fanboy Fail as defined by MTF staffers is anytime a fanboy (or
Oh, the mornings… The mornings are not my favorite thing. Combine mornings with sand and really, it’s like torment. Yet, still… Here, I am up and running at the crack of dawn… Why you may ask? It’s the Independent Spirit Awards 2012! And if you read my
I just came across these few slices of awesomeness… Okay, well Erica emailed them to me… And they are HOT with a capital HOT! LOL… The posters for Straw Dogs are really pretty rad and I’m hoping that they have a premiere in LA. Anyway, what can