The Killers frontman Brandon Flowers signs autographs for fans! sexy hot singer rare
I have loved The Killers since they started… I mean they have quickly become one of my favorite bands of all time. Scotty feels the same way, and so he is especially jazzed because Brandon Flowers is doing a rare TV appearance to promote his new solo album Flamingo. So, he’s headed down there early… me not so much, but I’m still going to try and get there ASAP.
4:31 p.m. – I just arrived. Scott got here super early like at 1ish or something insane like that. Literally there are only like four other people here… lol… ah well….
4:43 p.m. – Scott got here so early too lol, we both though that there would be tons of people here… I guess we were wrong… I have a couple promo posters for the new album and the picture disc for Crossfire.
5:01 p.m. – I really want the promo poster signed in a red paint pen… I know I know… Paint pens, lol… but I love them!
5:11 p.m. – Apparently Brandon has already gone in, and waved a couple times… ah well… I’ve heard he’s super friendly but who knows anymore…
5:21 p.m. – Oh shit! There he is! We all yell… there are like six of us now… he waves and runs inside. He has a magenta checkered shirt on.
5:43 p.m. – That means we will probably have to wait for him to finish the show… ugh… A long long night…
6:01 p.m. – Some of the other guests on the show are arriving… I really don’t know who they are… lol… ah well…
6:08 p.m. – If you haven’t checked out Brandon Flowers album Flamingo it’s awesome! I really love it.
6:11 p.m. – Scotty really loves Brandon Flowers… He even went to the Troubadour show to try and get a picture with him to no avail… sigh…
6:32 p.m. – Joanna Garcia who was on Reba and is now on Better with You on ABC is also on the show today. She just went in and said she would sign after… Not that I’m here for her mind you, but that was nice of her… lol…
6:44 p.m. – Brandon Flowers is sound checking… Sigh… he waved once again as he went off to the stage…
7:03 p.m. – It’s actually a nice night, so that’s a cool thing…
7:15 p.m. – I always hate it though when musical guests come over after an outdoor concert because it gets so crowded… ugh…
7:25 p.m. – The show started taping…
7:39 p.m. – I’m getting so hungry…
7:40 p.m. – Joanna Garcia is leaving. True to her word she comes over and signs and takes pictures with some of the fans. She is so sweet. I got a picture with her, because I didn’t have anything to sign. So nice!
7:45 p.m. – We have at least an hour… now it’s getting chilly… brrrr…
8:01 p.m. – Oh, and there he goes to the stage… Brandon Flowers waved at us again! Lol…. Well… at least he knows we’re here!
8:11 p.m. – The concert has started… There are three of us now… In 30 minutes there will be like 150…
8:15 p.m. – Oh, he’s singing Crossfire… I doubt he’ll sing any songs from the Killers. Usually when someone does a solo album they don’t do the big hits from their previous band.
8:22 p.m. – its cold, but we have good music to listen to!
8:31 p.m. – Damn, he’s singing like 10 songs! Oh my God this is an acoustic version of When We Were young! Dude, that’s awesome!
8:36 p.m. – Oh, and he’s done! He’s inside the theatre…
8:39 p.m. – hopefully he won’t be too long… Oh lord the hordes of people are arriving…
8:50 p.m. – Yep, there are like 110 people here, give or take a few… lol…
9:01 p.m. – Shit, there’s Brandon, and the crowd goes crazy… a little different than just six people, lol… And he’s coming right on over! He comes right to Scotty and me. I give him the red pen and he signs my promo poster in red, then he practically grabs the picture disc from my hand. He signs that in black though… lol… Red would have been great for that one as well… but that’s cool…
9:03 p.m. – Brandon signs and signs down the line. He does refuse to sign one guy’s picture though, which I find strange… Scotty got him on his big poster. Brandon is now coming back…
9:07 p.m. – I ask him to personalize another poster and he is happy to do it. He has really super small handwriting though. I’m a tad shocked. Then he continues to sign and sign down the fence. I’m pretty sure almost everyone got something… except the poor guy who only had the photo… lol…. I did lose my red pen though…and I loved that pen… sigh…
9:10 p.m. – R.I.P. red decocolor paint pen… take care my old friend….