Meeting The Man… The Myth… The Legend… Mr. Tim Burton! Sleepy Hollow! Ed Wood! Batman! Beetlejuice! I Love Him! Autographs! Photos! Swooning!
As you all know, I love me some Tim Burton! I love him! I am a huge fan of directors in general but there are some that are leaps and bounds above others. Tim Burton is one such rare individual. He has kept his vision no matter how dark or twisted, he has brought to life such interesting and unique characters; he’s changed the face of cinema.
Many of us can’t think of a time that didn’t have A Nightmare Before Christmas in it, however before Tim Burton Disney wouldn’t have put something like that film out. I’m going on I know, but it’s true.
Tim was out and about doing a rare q and a for Frankenweenie at a local theater and I had to go. I have a stack of things for him, but I really want my Sleepy Hollow mini poster and Batman Returns mini poster signed.
Sleepy Hollow is already personalized and has Christina Ricci, Johnny Depp and Miranda Richardson already on it. So, I would love to get it personalized by Tim as well. Sigh… The Batman Returns poster I don’t have anyone on but I have Michelle Pfeiffer on her Catwoman individual mini poster so I thought I would get Tim on the logo mini poster and then can get Michael Keaton on his and Danny DeVito.
I met up with Jack who also showed up with a stack of DVD covers once again. Kidding, I’m kidding… He only had two. Scotty brought his Big Fish DVD and an Ed Wood laserdisc.
We all waited and chatted. There are about 15 or 18 people… Honestly, it’s less than I thought so… It could be good. I’m not expecting much. I’ve met Tim Burton before and he’s always been nice but I just didn’t have a great feeling about this today… I dunno why.
I heard the Oscar luncheon today was horrible and people got mean. I have no idea, I’m just glad I wasn’t there. Tim Burton was there and didn’t sign plus his hand is in a sling. Doh! Never a good sign.
So the theater security wanted to get a photo of Tim in front of the marquee and were trying to figure out how to do it. They put up a makeshift rope barricade at the last minute.
We see the car about to pull up so everyone scrounged around for spots. Tim Burton drops.
He gets out of the car and heads right on over.
I mean nice as can be. Now, I need all my stuff in silver, it’s Tim Burton for God sakes every poster for every one of his films is dark! So, he signs in blue. Dammit!
He signs a ton and I wait and then ask him to sign my Sleepy Hollow poster, but I ask him to sign it to Mike. He stops, takes my silver and actually gives me a nice autograph considering he was mostly signing “TB” on everything. I’m super happy! This is the one thing I’ve wanted signed for a while.
Then he signs some more and I put my Batman Returns mini poster out and he signed that no problem. Sweet. I also had a Dark Shadows DVD cover and Tim signed that too. I was like damn… I should have brought more!
Scotty got his two things signed, but he wasn’t happy because the signatures were not that great on his stuff. Sorry bro. Scotty’s been sad lately, I feel like I need to give him a pep talk… LOL…
Jack didn’t get one! Totally got the shaft! (Tim did sign on the way out so Jack got one after all but it was worse than Scotty’s! LOL)
Anyway, it was a nice night. I got to hang, it wasn’t that insane, and anytime you can meet one of your idols, it’s pretty damn awesome!
Until next time kids…
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Good you got Tim. He’s one of the good signers.
Oscar Luncheon horrible? If you worked it the whole day you would have done good. I wouldn’t call gettig De Niro, Joaquin Pheonix, Christoph Waltz, Ang Lee, Naomi Watts, Jessica Chastain, Sally Field, Ben Affleck among many others AND Spielberg racking a “horrible” event.
As Mike has been saying a lot lately, two people can attend an event and have totally different experiences. It’s great to hear that you had a lot of success at the luncheon, and it’s important to have balanced perspectives, but your success doesn’t diminish the fact that not everyone was as lucky. I absolutely agree that Jessica Chastain and Steven Spielberg were great that day, but David O. Russell, Robert DeNiro, Joaquin Phoenix and Christoph Waltz were pretty spotty and didn’t really move around to get everyone during arrivals. A bunch of people got shafted. Couple that with getting hassled by security and finding out that another area had been roped off inside with people that were not even guests, and I’d say “horrible” wouldn’t be that much of a stretch for some.
De Niro = 4 graphs – not great
Juaquin Phoenix = Scribbled – not great
Christoph Waltz = C.W. – initials – not great
Ang Lee = signed like a mad man in Palm Springs and at Aero – NICE, NICE man – but wouldn’t need to pay for a room for him.
Naomi Watts – she is hit or miss – wouldn’t pay for a room to get her.
Jessica Chastain – again AMAZINGLY nice and signs everywhere – don’t need to pay for her.
Sally Field – Did it at AERO and Palm Springs – so if you were a fan you would have had her already.
Ben Affleck – Spotty, but has done it – don’t need to pay for a room for him either.
Speilberg is the only one I was sad to hear I missed – paying for a room for him….no
In addition….waiting OVER NIGHT for a spot?? Pushing? Threats from dealers? Racist comments from people standing next to you. All in all, I’d say it was a HORRIBLE and MISERABLE event.
Enough, John! We get it. You’re the best dealer (yes, I said DEALER) in the entire world. You get everyone. You’re the greatest. Just shut up about it then. The rest of us are sick to death of hearing about it.
Whoa now. I think everyone’s entitled to their opinion. That’s what comment sections are for. It seems John just has a higher tolerance for the BS that went on that day. If it was worth it to him, then he should be allowed to say so too.
Even though I got a crappy Burton autograph it was still nice of him to sign “twice” for an event and with a sore arm to boot!