Olivia Munn Shares The Magic! Greeting Fans And Signing Autographs For Billy Beer! The Newsroom Awesomeness!

Man oh man… When Billy finds a favorite, he finds a favorite. He’s been going on and on and on and on about Olivia Munn and how nice she is and how awesome she is to fans, etc…

Finally he did a write up about it! Hello! LOL… The Magic Mike actress took to the streets to hang out with her peeps.

Check out Billy Beer’s full encounter below!
Mike The Fanboy Signature logo

Welcome back to Billy Beer’s Barstool! OK, now many of you know Mike 
has his Top Ten Signers list

Well, I agreed with a lot of the names on his list, but the one name I 
feel he missed out on, and actually should have been near the top, was 
the lovely Olivia Munn. Now for a while, I had a streak where she 
always signed for her fans. Then there was the night she was in a 
hurry to get to The Newsroom Premiere, and couldn’t stop. Noooooooo! 
There was only 5 of us, but I understand. She even rolled down and 
said she was sorry. Well, she was back at the site of our last 
encounter, and this time I was hoping for better results. Oh, Vince 
Vaughn was there too, but since he really doesn’t care too much about 
his fans, nobody really cared that he was there.

I get there early hoping maybe she’ll sign on the way in. It’s just 
me, but she drove on by. Sad face, but they usually don’t do it on the 
way in anyway.


There’s a lot more people here now. It’s actually organized though, 
we’re all lined up for the most part. Here she comes!! Nope, it’s 
Vince. We are all holding up Olivia pictures for Vince. I actually am 
one of the only people there with a Vince picture. You can actually 
see the driver laugh as he drives by. Oh well, we really all just came 
for one reason.

After a little bit of a wait, her SUV finally comes up. People were on 
the fine line of rushing the car and acting like human beings and 
waiting. Luckily she came out of the car, and nobody went running up. 
She was super nice as always! The guards were pulling the “ONE EACH” 
line, but she really didn’t care. I had a picture of her throwing out 
the first pitch at the Dodgers game. She was even nice enough to 
inscribe it “It’s time for Dodger baseball”

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Then she signed my picture I had that was used as a photo flop. I just 
think it’s funny. She looked at it like “OK?”.

olivia munn fan photo rare magic mike olivia munn signed autograph photo rare promo throwing first pitch dodgers

  While she kept signing, people kept saying stuff like “I remember 
when you were on……” It was like a battle to name the things she 
was on. At first she was nice about it, then she started cracking jokes 
which was making me laugh.

Olivia Munn signing autographs for fans rare magic mike star promo

After signing, she took pictures with people. Even though I already 
have about 5, she looked really cute, so I get another. I compliment 
her on her beat boxing skills, which are amazing, and she was on her 

Again, Olivia shows why she is one of the nicest actresses in 
Hollywood. Make room for her on your list next year Mike. Time to go, 
it’s Happy Hour somewhere!

Olivia Munn signing autographs for fans rare magic mike star promo

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  1. Amber rose September 19, 2013

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