convention Archive
For entertainment buffs and regular convention attendees, this has been an extremely frustrating year with constant cancellations and postponements. Recently, the San Diego Comic Convention cancelled the 2020 con while most other conventions are struggling shuffling schedules around trying to accommodate fans and figure out a solution.
It was late Spring/early Summer 2015 and my friend Kelly (GotFiction/Author’s Write Hand) alerted me to a new Reader/Writer Retreat that was going to be taking place in late Summer/early Fall of 2016. It was going to be held in an historic hotel, with historical romance authors,
RT has come and gone. I know The Lovely Erica shared her feelings (which you can read here) and now it’s my turn. I’ve been wanting to attend RT Book Convention for a long time. Every year my friend Kelly over at Got Fiction? online pharmacy order
Gosh, I remember going to my friend Ren Fair… It was actually a pretty fun time. I locked up my friends for being whores, and made sure to eat the giant turkey leg thing they tried to force down our throats. Ah goodness memories. The annual Renaissance
Now, if I wasn’t sick and choking on my own phlegm I probably would have made the trek back to Wondercon. If nothing else to see the Prometheus trailer and get the nifty poster. But thanks to The Lovely Erica I don’t have to troll eBay for
When I heard that the Moscone Center in San Francisco was undergoing renovations and Wondercon was coming to Los Angeles for a one time only event, I was more than thrilled! Finally, I thought a Con centered here in Los Angeles! A great stop over from the
You know there are few events that make me say WOW… But this… WOW… When my favorite Strumpet in the entire world, The Novel Strumpet, sent me this wonderful article I was like okay, sounds like a fun read… Then… I saw… The… Photos… And baby, I