christina hendricks signing autographs Archive
It’s coming up on Emmy week and that means, there are parties everywhere. You never know what to expect when it comes to parties, sometimes you get a bunch of cool people and sometimes you get a photo off with a featured extra in Blossom. Share on
I was just thinking about how much I’m going to miss Mad Men this year. The series was just so good and I hope it gets some Emmy love this year, being that it’s the final year. Can you believe that none of the actors have ever
I’m sure you’ve all seen our top 10 best and worst autograph signers, but things are very different on the other side of the pond! James has put together a list of his best encounters over the past year and it’s amazing how a lot of things
Drumroll please! Yep, it’s the annual MTF best and worst autograph signers of 2013! But I’m a positive guy, and so let’s look at the best signers first shall we? Now, to break it down, I polled all the MTF writers, had my ear to the ground
Billy Beeeeeeeeer- I’ve been a slacker… I know it’s true. Billy sent in this report on the Mad Men season 6 premiere after party and Alas, I didn’t have a chance to get it up and running. So, I would like to publicly apologize for anyone not
There are amazing television shows and then there are shows that are layered with deep characters and story lines. Mad Men is one such show. Each character is flawed and complex, in short I love it. I honestly can’t believe that Mad Men has been on the
End of year lists! Yay! I love them! Even if I read the same names on them over and over and over and over again! This one is sure to be different… Well, kind of… LOL… This is the top 10 best autograph signers and most fan
As most of you know I love me some Mad Men. I think it’s one of the best written, best acted, most intriguing television series of all time. It’s a classic piece of entertainment that is in a word phenomenal. Being a member of some of the
Oh Pinky, you’re so fine you’re so fine you blow my mind! Oh Pinky! To celebrate the return of one of Pinky’s favorite television series, Mad Men she decided to do a “Meet the Cast of Mad Men round up! We all love Mad Men… I adore