Thor Archive

The Avengers UK Movie Premiere! The Scarlet Starlet Meets The Marvel Superheros! With Chris Hemsworth! Scarlett Johansson! Tom Hiddleston! Mark Ruffalo! and More!

The Scarlet Starlet is back kids! Yay! I’m really excited that she took time out to share her experiences at the UK premiere of The Avengers! And on the Eve of it’s release here in States! It always amazes me how different things are in the UK

Erica Visits Chicago’s C2E2 and Checks Out Profiles In History’s Captain America and Thor Prop and Costume Display Before Their Saturday Auction!

The Lovely Erica is out and about in the windy city of Chicago at C2E2! Yep, the Chicago comic book convention! And for her first report she sent in a whole bunch of photos from the Captain America and Thor auction being put on by Profiles in

Andrew Reports About Meeting The Avengers At San Diego Comic Con! Chris Hemsworth! Chris Evans! Hugo Weaving! Tom Hiddleston! Joss Whedon!

Oh Comic Con that annual right of passage that can lead to celebration or heartache… This past year, it was decent but still the massive gathering of fans and famous is growing at such a huge rate, it’s becoming too massive for it’s own good. However, Andrew