pop culture countdown Archive

Pop Culture Countdown! Swooning Michael Fassbender! Hayden Shops Off The Rack! 
Gabourey Sidibe Smackdown! And More!

Hola PCC friends! This week, we’ve got dancing, dresses and disses. Not a bad way to kick off your weekend, no? Happy Friday…and happy reading! Dance fever 
Benedict Cumberbatch, star of “Sherlock” and women’s dreams worldwide, was feeling the music alongside Michael Fassbender — also eye-pleasingly dapper

Pop Culture Countdown! Magic Mike The Musical! Ryan Gosling In Star Wars? Miley Counseling Biebs? Geraldo Rivera Tweets Shirtless Photos! Karalee Counts Em’ Down!

It’s everyone’s favorite part about fridays! It’s PCC time! In this weeks adventure in pop culture, the awesome Karalee talks about royal babies, Geraldo Rivera’s naked photos, and counseling Justin Bieber! Honestly, the truth is stranger than fiction! You can’t make some of this stuff up! Check

Pop Culture Countdown! Bieber Urinates In A Mop Bucket! Superman And Penny Are Dunzo! Sofia Vergara’s $1,000 Sundae! George Clooney Is Single! And More! Karalee Counts Em’ Down!

Oh PCC… This is a crazy crazy week! Henry Cavill and Kaley Cuoco are dunzo! The Beiber is urinating on random things, people are old… My Lord what is going on here! Seriously! What a world! Check out Karalee’s PCC after the jump! Share on Facebook

Pop Culture Countdown! James Woods Dates A 20 Year Old! The Bee Girl Is 30! Miley’s $1000 Sandals! Courteney Cox’s New Man! And More! Karalee Counts Em’ Down!

It’s PCC time! For this weeks selection of pop culture tidbits the awesome Karalee is sharing with us some things, I didn’t even know! Say wha? Your resident fanboy was out of the loop. Apparently so! Doh! Check out this weeks selection after the jump! M- Share